
Lesson Report Junior-1 June 30th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Wednesday, June 30th.
It's cloudy and rainy today.
July is starting tomorrow! Wow! It's summer now.

You can do it!

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you all on Saturday!


<Lesson Review>


Phonics:Consonant Blends The letter ‘L’


(p. 82-) Lesson 58

Talk about the picture: Where are Shin and Joe? – They are at a bookstore. 

Listen to the story: Does Akane know their secret? – No, she doesn’t. 

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.

Find and circle pronouns.   


Role-play in pairs. 

(p. 86-) Lesson 59

Talk about the picture: What are Akane and Shin reading? – They are reading the newspaper. 

Listen to the story: Whose photos are perfect? – Shin’s are. 

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.


Role-play in pairs.

Read and write. => Post

Typing Lesson 11

Homework: ELST 単語「動物」練習 *終わっていない単語のある人!


Lesson Report Junior-3 June 29th

Good evening, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Tuesday, June 29th.
It rains a lot lately. What color is your umbrella?
My favorite umbrella is orange. 

Some of you are in the middle of the exams.
Please try your best!
Do you have any plans after the exams? The summer vacation is just around the corner!

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you all on Friday!


<Lesson Review> 

Song of the month: The Best Day Taylor Swift Version


(p. 70-) Lesson 55

Shadow the stories of the week. => Review the summary. 

Read => Read and look up. => Read and look up and type. => Repost

(p. 82) Lesson 58

1. Talk about the picture: How does Emma look? – She looks disappointed. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs. 

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping

(p. 86) Lesson 59

1. Talk about the picture: What are they doing? – They are having a picnic in the park.

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs.

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping.

Bridge Work Book 1 Chapter 2 Unit 2

(p. 33-34) Exercise-2 

#4 Complete the sentences individually. => Check the answers all together.

Practice the sentences in pairs from Japanese. 

#5 Complete the sentences all together. 


5-P2級 Speaking #02

単語学習 Part 1 #1-2

Lesson Report Junior-4 June 28th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Monday, June 28th.
It's was sunny in the morning, but it got cloudy in the afternoon again.
How's it going?

Would you like to try pastrami sandwiches?
Do you like choco-chip cookies?
It's nice to have a picnic on a sunny day, isn't it?

It's getting hot and humid.
Please take care!
See you all on Thursday.


<Lesson Review>


(p. 70-) Lesson 55

Shadow the stories of the week. => Review the summary. 

Read => Read and look up. => Read and look up and type. => Repost

(p. 82) Lesson 58

1. Talk about the picture: How does Emma look? – She looks disappointed. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs. 

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping

(p. 86) Lesson 59

1. Talk about the picture: What are they doing? – They are having a picnic in the park.

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs.

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping.

Bridge to MEL 2 

Chapter 20 Unit 2

(p. 131) Exercise-2 

#1 Review the sentences.

Write in English. => Review    *He is going to make a speech. Not ‘the’. 

  1. Fredはなぜ昨夜遅くまで起きていないといけなかったのですか。=> Answer.
  2. Ericは今日の午後何をするつもりですか。=> Answer.
  3. Ronは近い将来何語を学ばないといけないと思っていますか。=> Answer.
  4. Dannyは新しい車を買わなければいけませんか。=> Answer.
  5. Helen はなぜ、またすぐに歯医者に行かないといけないのですか。=> Answer.

#2 Complete the conversation individually. => Check and practice.  


3級 Speaking #02

単語学習 Part 1 #1-2


Lesson Report Junior-2 June 26th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Saturday, June 26th.
It was sunny in the morning, but it was cloudy in the afternoon.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

You worked hard and did a good job!
Did you understand it OK?

Have a nice Sunday.
See you all on Wednesday!


<Lesson Review>

Song of the month: Hello, Goodbye


(p. 70) Lesson 55 

Listen and Remember: Shadowing

(p. 71) Questions about the Story

(p. 72) Key Points of the Week: Write the sentences in English. 「言ってみよう!」

(p. 73) 代名詞のまとめ:Check pronunciation => Find the pronouns of sentences from ‘Key Points of the Week’ in the chart. 

(p. 74-) Lesson 56

Talk about the picture: What is Shin doing? – He is reading a book. He is talking to Liam. 

Where is Liam? – He is on the shelf. 

Listen to the story: Does Joe know Shin and Liam’s secret? – Yes, he does. He knows their secret. 

Who is really nice? – Joe is. 

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.

Find and circle pronouns. 



(p. 78-) Lesson 57



単語練習 5級 Part 1 #1-1

Dictation => Write the sentences in the notebook. => Video shooting. => Send. 

Lesson Report Junior-1 June 26th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Saturday, June 26th.
It's cloudy and rainy today.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?


Have a wonderful Sunday.
See you all on Wednesday!


<Lesson Review>


Jingle:ライオンじゃなくてLion #6 => Quiz each other.

Write down the first four words.

June 12: lion, kangaroo, koala, chimpanzee

June 16: orangutan, red panda, beaver, pelican

June 19: penguin, flamingo, reindeer, gorilla

June 23: sea otter, piranha, hamster, chameleon

基礎英語 6月号

(p. 70) Lesson 55 

Listen and Remember: Shadowing

(p. 73) 代名詞のまとめ:Check pronunciation

(p. 74-) Lesson 56

Talk about the picture: 

What is Shin doing? 

– He is reading a book. He is talking to Liam. 

Listen to the story: 

Does Joe know Shin and Liam’s secret? 

– Yes, he does. 

He knows their secret. 

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.


(p. 78-) Lesson 57

Talk about the picture: 

How do Akane and Joe look? 

– They look surprised.

Listen to the story: 

How old are the newspapers?

- They are 30 years old.

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.


Write and post.


Lesson Report Junior-3 June 25th

Good evening, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Friday, June 25th.
The weather changed a lot today!
We can't go out without umbrellas, can we?

Some of you finished the exams. Congratulations!
Others are going to have ones next week.
Try your best!

Have a wonderful weekend.
See you all on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review> 

Read the monthly report and write comments.


(p. 70-) Lesson 55


=> Write a summary of the week. => Post.

(p. 74) Lesson 56

1. Talk about the picture: 

Where are they talking? – They’re talking in the living room. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs. 

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping

(p. 78) Lesson 57

1. Talk about the picture: 

What can you see behind Emma and Ayane? – We can see the Statue of Liberty. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs.

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping.

Bridge Work Book 1 Chapter 2 Unit 2

(p. 32) Word Box #9-10 

Check Teacher’s feedback and repost. 

(p. 33-34) Exercise-2 

#3  Complete the sentences individually. => Check the answers all together.

Practice the sentences in pairs from Japanese. 

Speech Navigator

(p. 50) Advanced Sample Speech

Listen and take notes. => Talk about the speech.



=> Prepare for the presentation.

Lesson Report Junior-4 June 24th

Good morning, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Friday, June 25th.
It's cloudy again today.
How is everything?

Would you like to visit Liberty Island to see the Statue of Liberty someday?
Hope we can travel around the world safely in the near future.
Until then, why don't we prepare for our future?

Have a great weekend.
See you all next week!


<Lesson Review>


(p. 70-) Lesson 55


=> Write a summary of the week. => Post.

(p. 74) Lesson 56

1. Talk about the picture: Where are they talking? – They’re talking in the living room. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs. 

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping

(p. 78) Lesson 57

1. Talk about the picture: What can you see behind Emma and Ayane? – We can see the Statue of Liberty. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs.

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping.

Bridge to MEL 2 

Chapter 20 Unit 2

(p. 130) Grammar and Communication-2  had to/will have to …

Practice the example. 

(p. 131) Exercise-2 

#1 Review the sentences.

Write in English

  1. Fredはなぜ昨夜遅くまで起きていないといけなかったのですか。=> Answer.
  2. Ericは今日の午後何をするつもりですか。=> Answer.
  3. Ronは近い将来何語を学ばないといけないと思っていますか。=> Answer.
  4. Dannyは新しい車を買わなければいけませんか。=> Answer.
  5. Helen はなぜ、またすぐに歯医者に行かないといけないのですか。=> Answer.

Speech Navigator Unit 6 Books and Movies

(p. 38) Basic Sample Speech  Shadow the text.

(p. 39) Phrase Station  Practice the phrases. => Memorize the words. => Quiz in pairs. 


Lesson Report Junior-2 June 24th

 Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Thursday, June 24th.
It was raining hard this afternoon.


Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you all on Saturday!


<Lesson Review>

Greeting => レッスン時のルールの確認

Song of the month: Hello, Goodbye


(p. 62-) Lesson 53

Talk about the picture: Where are they? – They are at the soccer stadium.

Listen to the story: 

Is it their first big story? -No, it isn’t. It’s their second big story.

Who makes a great team? -Shin and Akane do.

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.


Today’s Key Point: 人称代名詞(所有格)

My name is Towako. => Your name is Towako.

Shin’s camera is Liam. => His camera is Liam.

Akane’s dream is to be a journalist. => Her dream is to be a journalist.

Our English school is MEL School. => Your English school is MEL School.

Your English school is MEL School. => Our English name is MEL School.

Shin and Akane’s teacher is Nina. => Their teacher is Nina.

(p. 66-) Lesson 54

Talk about the picture: 

Who is there? – Joe is. 

Who has Shin’s bag? – Joe does.

Listen to the story: Who is safe? – Liam is. 

What was safe with Joe? – Shin’s bag was.

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.

Read the story out loud.


Grammar Starter Unit 2 Hello! I’m Jenny.

(p. 8) Review the questions and answers.


ELST => Speaking 5級 #01

単語練習 5 Part 1 #1-1


Junior-2 クラス保護者説明会 June 23rd, 2021




1. 顔をしっかり上げて練習する
2. レッスン、ペアワークやグループワークでのマナー
3. 基礎英語に出てくる大量の英語を「音読」できるようにする
4. 「音読」できた文を正しく書き写せるようにする
5. 英語の文の組み立てへの意識を持てるようにする
6. タイピングの基礎を身につける


音読テスト、プレゼンテーションについて =>Google Drive [Monthly Report]


1. 基礎英語の学習について =>音読できることを目標に。文法は全て理解できなくても良い
2. Grammar Starter での学習について=>学習内容を完璧に。自分で使えるように。
3. ELSTを使った学習について=>モニターできる環境をお願いしたい


*お時間のある方は「(3) 過去問題・解答例・採点基準 令和2年度・確認プレテスト①」の動画(15分程度)をご覧になった上でご参加ください。


写真提供のお願い=> 7月1日までにGoogle Driveの共有フォルダに保存。ファイル名はELSTのログインIDの数字4桁+ローマ字のフルネーム

Lesson Report Junior-3 June 22nd

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Wednesday, June 23rd.
It's overcast today. We may have a shower.
Don't forget an umbrella! 

Many of you are having exams.
Try your best!

Stay healthy.
See you all on Friday!


<Lesson Review> 

Song of the month: The Best Day Taylor Swift Version


(p. 50-) Lesson 50

Shadow the stories of the week. => Review the summary. Share a good one: Mihana

Read => Read and look up. => Read and look up and type. => Repost

(p. 62) Lesson 53

1. Talk about the picture: What are they talking about? -They are talking about getting some food. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs. 

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping

(p. 66) Lesson 54

1. Talk about the picture: What is happening here? -The batter is hitting the ball. 

2. Listen to the story. => Retell the story. => Work in pairs.

3. Repeat with the textbook closed.

4. Slash reading. 

5. Overlapping.

Bridge Work Book 1 Chapter 2 Unit 2

(p. 32) Word Box #9-10 

Check the words. => Make as many sentences as they can for 5 min.

Eg. I have a bed. It’s white. I make my bed every morning. 

I don’t have a table in my room. 

(p. 33) Exercise-2 

#2 Complete the sentences all together. => Practice the sentences in pairs.


5-P2級 Speaking #01 

単語学習 Part 1 #1-1