
Lesson Report Junior-2 August 23rd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, August 23, 2017.
It's mostly sunny and warm today. 

We reviewed the test today.
Hope you understood how to write the sentences better!

Unfortunately, we didn't have a speaker today.
The next speaker is Masahiro.
前回Night Zookeeperで書いた"My hometown" を練習しておきましょう。
Get ready for your speech!

<Summer Homework>
基礎英語8月号 付属の夏休み用テキストを済ませ次回のレッスン時に提出。
*Bring your Kisoeigo July issue with you next time!

<Lesson Review>
Warm up: one min. questions: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
Speech: Haruki
Song of the month: Imagine

Bridge to MEL
Chapter 19 Unit 1 
Grammar and Communication-1 
Let's check-1

Review test => Review

基礎英語 3
Reading battle Lesson 57
Reading practice and repeating Lesson 58
Write the summary (Dictation)
Amiir calls Sarah to invite her to his performance. She can’t go there because she is going home tomorrow. Sarah is surprised to hear Amiir didn’t tell his parents about his performance.
On the way to Sarah’s home, everyone is talking about her father. He loves snakes and he trained snakes to perform in front of the camera. 

Enjoy the sunshine!
See you on Saturday!


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