
Lesson Report Junior-1 June 16th

Hello Class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Tuesday, June 16th.
It's very hot today.
Please take good care of yourself to stay healthy!
今日はWhere is ...? を使ってOriginal Story を作りました。

See you on Friday!


<Lesson Review>


Song: I really like you



Grammar Starter

Unit 6  Maria is Italian

(p. 26) #2 Review

(p. 27) #3 Practice the questions and answers:

Where is Almira from? – She’s from Spain.

Is she Spanish? => Yes, she is. She is a Spanish girl.

ð Type Questions and answers.



Lesson 49 Review and practice:


Listen to 基礎英語 at home.



Lesson 51

(p. 54) Talk about the picture. => Practice Words and Phrases. => Reading practice


Lesson 52

(p. 52) Talk about the picture. => Practice Words and Phrases. => Reading practice



Me: Where is Mom?

Sister: She is in the kitchen.

Me: Why? It’s five in the morning.

Sister: What? It’s five in the evening.

Me: Really? I slept for 20 hours?

Sister: Yes, you did! She’s cooking dinner now.

Me: I’m so… so … hungry!!


Homework: Lessons 53 and 54  Read and write => Take photos and post.



Write Teacher a message.

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