
Lesson Report Junior-3 August 20th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Saturday, August 21st.
It's mostly sunny and partly cloudy today.
How are you doing?

Summer vacation will be over in ten days.
Please get ready for school.

Have a good weekend.
See you all Tuesday!


<Lesson Review> 

Song of the month: Yesterday Once More


Chapter 4 Unit 1

(p. 53) Grammar and Communication-2 一般動詞の使い方

Study and practice the sentences.  => Take dictation. 

(p. 53) Exercise-2

Complete the sentences all together. => Read and look up, and write.

(p. 54) Grammar and Communication-3 一般動詞の否定文

Study and practice the sentences.  => Practice Japanese to English in pairs.

(p. 54) Exercise-3

#1 Complete the sentences all together. => Practice making negative sentences in pairs.

#2 Complete the sentences all together. => Retelling all together, then in pairs.

基礎英語 You Can Do It! ワークブック

(p. 9) Check and practice the sentences. => Pair repeating.

(p. 10) Check and practice the sentences. => Pair repeating.

(p. 11) Reading 3  Review the first paragraph. => Pair reading relay. 

The second paragraph. => Practice reading the text out loud with slashes. 

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