
Lesson Report Junior-1 January 9th, 2022

Hello, class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you? 
It's Monday, January 9th, 2023. 
It is sunny and warm today. 

みんな音読がとても上手になってきましたね!That's great!

お話ししたように、レッスンまでにGoogle ClassroomにYouTubeのリンクを投稿しておいてください。
質問がある人はGoogle Chatで連絡してください!

Try your best!
See you on Thursday!


<Lesson Review>



Phonics: br, cr, dr #1


brick, bride, brave, crab, cross, crane, drop, drum, drive

基礎英語 January Issue

(p. 26) Lesson 163

Talk about the picture: What is with Koko? – A wolf is with her. Who is surprised? – Josh and Emily are surprised.

Listen to the story and answer the question: What is 

Listen and repeat with the textbook closed.

=> Role-play. 


(p. 30) Lesson 164

Talk about the picture: Who is teaching? – Ms. Hagen is.

Listen to the story and answer the question: What color is the solution at last? – It’s blue.

Listen and repeat with the textbook closed.

=> Role-play. 

Winpass Unit 10-2

Target: Listen and repeat. => Role-play.

Picture Word Box: Listen and repeat. => Listen and number. 


Workbook (p. 54) Practice and type.  => Jan. 19th test.単語テストします!


Presentation prep(1月12日プレゼンテーションの準備)

1.    YouTubeのアプリに自分のGoogle アカウントでログイン

2.    iMovieで作った動画を限定公開

3.    Google Classroom にリンクを投稿

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