
Lesson Report Junior-1 February 23rd, 2023

Hello, class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you? 
It's Thursday, February 23rd, 2023. 
It is sunny and warm today. 
Today's Emperor's birthday!

Did you enjoy the holiday?

今日は基礎英語の 'sの正体をみんなで考えました。
today's だけが仲間外れでしたね。


Have a wonderful weekend.
See you on Monday!


<Lesson Review>



単語テスト 再テスト

Winpass (p. 106) Picture Word Box => Feb. 23 再テスト(Shii, Emi, Riho)


Phonics: er, ir, ur  #4


singer, mother, corner, girl, shirt, skirt, fur, purple, turkey

Listen and practice the last three words.


基礎英語 February Issue

(p. 74) Lesson 195

Listen and Remember => Shadowing


(p. 78) Lesson 196

Talk about the picture: Josh, Midori, Jin, and Ms. Hagen are watching a hockey game.

Listen and answer: Is there any problem? – Yes, there is. 

Listen and repeat.

Reading practice.

Role-play (Take turns)


(p. 82) Lesson 197

Talk about the picture: Ms. Hagen is standing on the rink. 

Listen and answer: Is the rink OK now? – Yes, it is. 

Listen and repeat.

Reading practice.


Unit 11-2 Junior High School Life

(p. 111) Activity-1  Practice the conversation in pairs.

Activity-2  Practice the conversation in pairs. => Write a report about a partner in the notebook.

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