
Lesson Report MEL-4 April 4, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How's everything going?
Spring break is over soon!

How did you like the new Kiso-eigo?
Would you like to go to Boston someday?
I would! I've never been there and I've always wanted to go there.

The tasks are getting more and more challenging. 
Just try your best to be more capable!

Have a good weekend and get ready for school.

<Lesson Review>

基礎英語1 Share the summaries.

3 min. Talk: Do you think students should wear a school uniform? #3

Chapter 14 Unit 2  We call fried potatoes “French fries.”

(p. 39) Grammar and Communication-2 

Verbs to learn #6; follow, die, sniff

Review: Listen and repeat.


(p. 39) Exercise-2

Ron talks about Liz

Check the questions individually. => Scan the text to find the answer. => Work in pairs to check where a partner underlined. => Read the text together. => Practice questions and answers as quickly as possible in pairs.


(p.40) Grammar and Communication-3  everything, anything, something, nothing 

Take dictation. 


基礎英語2 April Issue

(p. 18-) Week 1 Day 1

Listen and talk about the story. => Listen and repeat. => Role-play in pairs.

Practice using indirect speech.


ELST 3級単語練習 Unit 14-1


Lesson Review

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