
Lesson Report Junior-2 September 29th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, September 29, 2017.
It's sunny and beautiful today.

Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speaker is Suzuha.
前回Night Zookeeperで書いた"About myself" を練習しておきましょう。*レッスン前に必ず原稿を送るなど時間を無駄にしないでください。
Get ready for your speech!

<Summer Homework>
基礎英語8月号 付属の夏休み用テキストを済ませ8月18日(金)のレッスン時に提出。
=> 未提出 Kosei

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Warm up: one min. questions: What do you want to be in the future?
Song of the month: Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen

Bridge to MEL
Chapter 20 Unit 1

Chapter 20 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  Practice the example sentences. Read and look up
Check 例)
#1, 2, and 3 Complete the sentences orally.

Engage Unit 4 Living English
Listening #1 Listen and guess what the advertisements are about. => Look at the pictures and check the advertisements. => Listen again and take notes. => Do #2 and 3 looking at the notes.

基礎英語 3   September issue 
Lesson 77
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story What’s the temperature in Minnesota these days? What is the new project about? What do the students have to do when they give their presentations?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: Tell me what you have to do after the lesson today.
Lesson 78 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Who are American?Which country are they working on for the project?
Recap    Dictation

Mr. Rowland tells the class about a new project. The students are going to make presentations about foreign countries. Group 1 members are talking about the project. They are going to research about Japan.

Have a great weekend!
See you next week!


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