
Lesson Report Junior-3 March 7th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, March 8, 2019.
We are having a sunny day!

Speech order:  ✔︎Hana (Mar. 4) => ✔︎Kodai (Mar. 7) => Satomi (Mar. 11) => Sota A. (Mar. 14) =>  Shoischiro (Mar. 18) => Sota S. (Mar. 21) => Rin (Mar. 25) => Kei (Mar. 28) => Hayato (Apr. 1)  => Tamaki (Apr. 4) => Kosei (Apr. 8) => Rie (Apr. 11) 
*Video SpeechはYoutubeに限定公開し、レッスン前までに確実にクラスにURLを投稿すること
*3月4日(月)からVideo Speechです

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Review practice: Ask the students how long it takes to get to MEL School from their houses. => Write the time on the board. => Ask and answer in pairs.
Whose house is farther from MEL School, Rin’s or Satomi’s?  Who lives nearer to MEL School, Sota or Kei?
Speech: Kodai
Song of the month: Can’t take my eyes off of you

基礎英語3  January Issue
Review Lessons 155 and 156  Reading aloud along the audio
Lesson 157
Listen to the story => Ask what they heard. => Repeating
Reading aloud
Practice: Make sentences using imperatives with ‘and’ or ‘or’. => Post

Lesson 158
Listen to the story => Ask what they heard. => Repeating
Practice reading aloud
Task: Write down the summary by the teacher. => Speak to Edmodo.
Sho meets his friend in front of the station near the high school. He says he was too nervous to relax at home, so he decided to leave early. Miki comes to give Sho some encouragement before the entrance exams.

Book 3
Chapter 26 Unit 1
(p. 11) Vocabulary in Use #1 人の性格に関することば
Practice pronunciation of the listed words
-       Memorize the words in one min. => Quiz in pairs.
-       Complete the sentences
-       Practice reading aloud the sentences.
Next time
-       Practice with TTS

Book 2
Chapter 23 Unit 1
(p. 181) Grammar and Communication-3

Listen and repeat, and write it down.

Enjoy the early spring.
See you on Monday!


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