
Lesson Report MEL2 January 21st/22nd

Hello, guys! It's Natsumi.

How are you doing? It's been too warm in the afternoon for this season, and I'm happy!

2min. Talk  What do you like doing in your free time? #4 

Write about what you like doing in your free time in 3 sentences. 

Make notes

1. What do you like doing in your free time?

2. When do you...?

3. Why do yo...?

Write full sentences on GC.


Ask and answer in pairs.

(p. 46-) Lesson 168  ヒポクラテスのふるさとへ 

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito are now in ancient Greece.  

In pairs, complete the sentence.


Listen to the story. 

Questions: Who is the “Father of Medicine”? – It’s Hippocrates. 

Why does Takashi read about famous doctors? – He reads about them because he wants to become a vet. 


Write answers on GC.

Listen and repeat with the textbook closed. 


Listen and read.  




(p. 50-) Lesson 169 縄文人もきのこを食べた 

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito are now in the Jomon period in Japan. They want to learn about mushrooms in their daily life. 

Listen and read. 




Bridge Work Book 

Chapter 5 Unit 1  I usually leave home at eight. 

(p. 68) Grammar and Communication-2  usually and sometimes 

Review: Listen and repeat with the textbook closed. 



#1 Review: Read and check the teacher’s comments from the last lesson.  


(p. 69) #2 例と指示を確認. =>  個人で解く => Read and check together. チャンクを意識して音読. => Pair repeating.  




試験対策 単語練習 5級トレーニング Unit 13 #13-2 

Lesson Review 


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