
Lesson Report MEL-2 March 8, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?

いよいよ基礎英語も3月号。今回はGrey's planetが舞台ですね。

Let's have more fun next week!
英検の面接のある人、頑張ってください!Break your leg!

Have a lovely Sunday.
See you next week!


<Lesson Review>

2min. Talk  What time do you usually get up on weekdays? #1



基礎英語-1  February Issue (2月号)

(p. 94) Lesson 200

Listen and Remember: Shadowing


(p. 95) Mr. Honda’s Corner  something を説明する様々な方法

Write the sentences in the chat room.





基礎英語-1  March Issue (3月号)

(p. 14-) Lesson 201 グレイの星に着いた!


Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito arrive in front of Grey’s house on his planet by spaceship. His planet looks like the Earth, but there are some differences. 


Questions: What color is the sky on Grey’s planet? – It is purple.

Does Grey’s dad look angry? – No, he doesn’t. 


(p. 18-) Lesson 202  斉藤さんですか?

Today’s Scene: Grey’s father welcomes Grey, Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito. Grey’s father thinks Ms. Saito represents the Earth. 

*Tell them to learn how to organize Today’s Scene in English.


Listen and read. => Role-play. 


Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 5 Unit 2  My dad doesn’t get up early on Sundays.


(p. 78) Grammar in Use  On Sunday

Read the text out loud. => Read to a partner. 

#1 Complete the summary in pairs. => Read and check. => Pair repeating. Convert the subjects I/my to you/your. 

Speech Navigator  Unit 3 Our Club

Write a presentation => Submit.




試験対策 単語練習 4級トレーニング Unit 1 #1-4


Lesson Review

Lesson Report MEL-3 March 7, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 
How are you?
It's been freezing. What's going on?
Hoping you are well.

We practiced English a lot! Did you enjoy having English conversations?
Let's try more things next time.

Have a wonderful Sunday.
See you!


<Lesson Review>

3min.Talk: Do many of your classmates belong to the school sports teams? #2


Bridge Work Book 2

Chapter 14 Unit 1  We named our dog George.


(p. 28) #2-a. Study the instructions and examples. Add one more sentence when replying. A partner repeats the two replied sentences altogether. 


#2-b. Do it in the same manner as #2-a. 


#3. Study the chart and give demonstrations. => Work in pairs, asking and answering according to the chart in 1 min. each.


#4 Study the example. => Prepare for a presentation. Make notes in 1 min. => Present in front of others. 


基礎英語1 March Issue

(p. 18) Lesson 202

Check Today’s Scene together. => Translate it into English.

Take notes.

Each student retells in front of other students. Give them 1min. each.  


(p. 22) Lesson 203

Each student retells in front of other students. Give them 1min. each.  



ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 準2級Unit 6 #6-1 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Lesson Review


Lesson Report MEL-1 March 7, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 
How are you doing?

Do you want to go to Grey's planet by spaceship?
3月号の舞台はGrey's planetですね。the Earth とどんなところが同じで、どんなところが違うのかを発見していきましょう!

The wind is very cold.
Stay warm!

See you next week.


<Lesson Review>

基礎英語-1  February Issue (2月号)

(p. 94) Lesson 200

Listen and Remember: Shadowing(シャドーイング)


基礎英語-1  March Issue (3月号)

(p. 14-) Lesson 201 グレイの星に着いた!

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito arrive in front of Grey’s house on his planet by spaceship. His planet looks like the Earth, but there are some differences. 


Listen to the story.

Questions: What color is the sky on Grey’s planet? – It is purple.

Does Grey’s dad look angry? – No, he doesn’t. 


Listen and repeat with the textbook closed. テキストを見ないでリピート


Listen and read. 音読練習




(p. 18-) Lesson 202  斉藤さんですか?

Listen and read.



Lesson Review => Google Classroom


Lesson Report MEL-4 March 6, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?
It's Thursday, March 6, 2025.
It was stormy today. I hate windy days. What about you?
Do you know an American city called Chicago? It is called 'a windy city'. When I heard about it, I thought I wouldn't live there even though the city is popular and bustling. 

Please think about what Japan will be like 20 years from now when you are all adults! I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 

Have a wonderful weekend.
See you next week!


<Lesson Review>

ELST 2級単語練習 


4 min. Talk: What will Japan be like in 20 years? #1


Bridge Work -2 

Chapter 23 Unit 1  Diana sings the best in her school.

(p. 179) Grammar and Communication-2  farther-farthest, more-most


Take dictation.



#1 Talk about the chart in pairs. Answer in 2 sentences.


(p. 180) #2 Complete the text together. => Pair repeating.


#3 Listen and answer the questions.



Speech Navigator  Unit 7 Traveling

=> Video presentation on March 17th



基礎英語2  March Issue

(p. ) Week 1 Days 1 and 2: Listen and read.

Practice Day 2 from the Japanese translation in pairs. (See p. 96) 



Lesson Review


Lesson Report MEL-3 March 4th, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School.  

How are you?

It's Tuesday, March 4th.
It's rainy today in Hyogo.

I heard it's snowing in Tokyo and spring is yet nowhere to be seen!

Please keep yourselves warm!
See you next week!



Bridge Work Book 2

Chapter 14 Unit 1  We named our dog George.

(p. 26) Grammar and Communication-1 過去形の意味と使い方

Take dictation.

ð  Check pronunciation.(規則動詞の過去形の作り方のルール)


(p. 27) Exercise-1

#1 Have a student read the verbs in the box. The class repeats. => Complete the sentences individually. => Read and check. *Do it each section at a time.

=> Role-play in pairs. Tell them to look at a partner’s eyes.



基礎英語1 March Issue

(p. 94) Lesson 201

Tell them they are going to learn how to prepare retelling well.

Check Today’s Scene together. => Have them translate it into English.

Tell them to look at the picture on page 14 and take notes.

Play the audio.

Discuss how to retell well according to the notes.

Each student retells in front of other students. Give them 30 sec. each.  The teacher gives them feedback.


ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 準2Unit 5 #5-4 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Monthly Review

Lesson Report MEL-1 March 4th, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School.  

How are you?

It's Tuesday, March 4th.
It's rainy today in Hyogo.


Please take good care of yourself!
See you next week!


基礎英語-1  February Issue (2月号)

(p. 86-) Lesson 198  さびしくなるよ

Today’s Scene: Grey has to leave for his planet. He says goodbye to Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito.


Listen to the story.

Questions: What does Takashi give Grey? – He gives him some dango.

Is Mika going to go with Grey? – Yes, she is.


Listen and repeat with the textbook closed.


Listen and read.




(p. 90-) Lesson 199  グレイにあげる役に立つもの

Listen and read.


Students practice reading individually. They can ask the teacher questions if necessary.


Copy the sentences in the notebook. => Read and check in pairs. (The teacher makes pairs every time two students finish copying.) => Share the notebook on GC.


Lesson Review => Google Classroom

Lesson Report MEL2 March 5th, 2025

 Hi, guys! It's Natsumi.

 It's been freezing these days suddenly. Stay warm!

2min. Talk  What do you have for breakfast? #4 

Write a mini-essay in 5 min.

Make notes. Share it on GC.


基礎英語-1  February Issue (2月号) 

(p. 86-) Lesson 198  さびしくなるよ 


Today’s Scene: Grey has to leave for his planet. He says goodbye to Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito 


Questions: What does Takashi give Grey? – He gives him some dango. 

Why won’t Grey miss his friends? – He won’t miss them because they are coming with him. 


(p. 90-) Lesson 199  グレイにあげる役に立つもの 

Today’s Scene: When Grey is about to leave for his planet, Mika says they are going with him. Grey says no to her. 


Listen and read. => Role-play.  


Bridge Work Book 

Chapter 5 Unit 2  My dad doesn’t get up early on Sundays. 

(p. 76) Grammar and Communication-2 #2 seasons 

Take dictation. => Check spelling. 


#3 Complete the sentences together. =>Work in pairs 


Repeat a partner’s answer. 


(p. 76) Grammar and Communication-2 #3 weather 

Take dictation. => Check spelling. 

#4 Complete the sentences together. Read and look up. 


(p. 77) Grammar and Communication-3 whenを使った疑問文 

Listen and repeat. 



#1 Complete the sentences individually. => Read and check. => Work in pairs. Tell them to repeat B’s answer without looking at the text. 


Speech Navigator  Unit 3 Our Club 

Write a presentation => Submit. 




試験対策 単語練習 4級トレーニング Unit 1 #1-3 

Lesson Review