
Lesson Report MEL-3 March 4th, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School.  

How are you?

It's Tuesday, March 4th.
It's rainy today in Hyogo.

I heard it's snowing in Tokyo and spring is yet nowhere to be seen!

Please keep yourselves warm!
See you next week!



Bridge Work Book 2

Chapter 14 Unit 1  We named our dog George.

(p. 26) Grammar and Communication-1 過去形の意味と使い方

Take dictation.

ð  Check pronunciation.(規則動詞の過去形の作り方のルール)


(p. 27) Exercise-1

#1 Have a student read the verbs in the box. The class repeats. => Complete the sentences individually. => Read and check. *Do it each section at a time.

=> Role-play in pairs. Tell them to look at a partner’s eyes.



基礎英語1 March Issue

(p. 94) Lesson 201

Tell them they are going to learn how to prepare retelling well.

Check Today’s Scene together. => Have them translate it into English.

Tell them to look at the picture on page 14 and take notes.

Play the audio.

Discuss how to retell well according to the notes.

Each student retells in front of other students. Give them 30 sec. each.  The teacher gives them feedback.


ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 準2Unit 5 #5-4 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Monthly Review

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