
Lesson Report MEL2 March 5th, 2025

 Hi, guys! It's Natsumi.

 It's been freezing these days suddenly. Stay warm!

2min. Talk  What do you have for breakfast? #4 

Write a mini-essay in 5 min.

Make notes. Share it on GC.


基礎英語-1  February Issue (2月号) 

(p. 86-) Lesson 198  さびしくなるよ 


Today’s Scene: Grey has to leave for his planet. He says goodbye to Mika, Takashi, and Ms. Saito 


Questions: What does Takashi give Grey? – He gives him some dango. 

Why won’t Grey miss his friends? – He won’t miss them because they are coming with him. 


(p. 90-) Lesson 199  グレイにあげる役に立つもの 

Today’s Scene: When Grey is about to leave for his planet, Mika says they are going with him. Grey says no to her. 


Listen and read. => Role-play.  


Bridge Work Book 

Chapter 5 Unit 2  My dad doesn’t get up early on Sundays. 

(p. 76) Grammar and Communication-2 #2 seasons 

Take dictation. => Check spelling. 


#3 Complete the sentences together. =>Work in pairs 


Repeat a partner’s answer. 


(p. 76) Grammar and Communication-2 #3 weather 

Take dictation. => Check spelling. 

#4 Complete the sentences together. Read and look up. 


(p. 77) Grammar and Communication-3 whenを使った疑問文 

Listen and repeat. 



#1 Complete the sentences individually. => Read and check. => Work in pairs. Tell them to repeat B’s answer without looking at the text. 


Speech Navigator  Unit 3 Our Club 

Write a presentation => Submit. 




試験対策 単語練習 4級トレーニング Unit 1 #1-3 

Lesson Review

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