
Lesson Report Junior-3 March 30th

 Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Tuesday, March 30th.
It was very warm and cloudy today.
Are you enjoying spring break?

Did you like the new Kiso-eigo program?
How did you find Bridge Work? Hope you like it!

Have a wonderful holiday.
See you all on Friday!


<Lesson Review>

Song of the month: Just the Way You Are


Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 1 Unit 1

(p. 8) Grammar and Communication-1  I, you, we, you + be動詞

Practice the example sentences.

Repeat. => Japanese to English. => Test


Complete the sentences all together. => Practice in pairs. 


(p. 7) コミュニケーションには場面がある

Target: (1) Master basic grammar and expressions: Spontaneous Translation 

(2) Use your own language: Retelling

Lesson 1

1. Talk about the picture: What is on the table? What is the relationship between the girl and the woman? What is the girl going to do? 

2. Listen to the story.

3. Talk about the story. Pick a few students to retell the story. => Work in pairs for 1 min. each. (Focus on the content and communicate with others using English)

4. Repeat with the textbook closed.

5. Read the text out loud. 

6. Pair repeating.

7. Find verbs in the text.

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