Good evening, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Friday, March 26th.
How are you doing?
It's sunny and beautiful today!
Congratulations on finishing 2020 Kisoeigo-2!
You're starting a new program.
Let's have fun together!
See you all on Monday!
<Lesson Review>
Lessons 161-164 (p. 56-)
1. Talk about the picture.
2. Listen to the story.
3. Practice reading the text out loud.
(4. Role-play)
Review 41 (pp. 72-73)
1. Retell the stories. Pick a few students to retell the story.
2. Work in pairs for 2 min. each. (Focus on the content and communicate with others using English)
3. Some of the students present retelling.
Speech Navigator Unit 4 Sports
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