Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.
Song of the month: ME
Bridge Work 1
Chapter 5 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3
(p. 77) Take dictation.
(p. 77) #1 When does Ron …?
Complete the conversation orally together. => Fill in the blanks individually. => Work in pairs.
#2 Take turns playing Ron’s role. => Write a report about yourself and a partner. => Post.
(p. 78) Grammar in Use-1 On Sunday
Read and complete the summary individually. => Read the summary together. => Read the text and put slashes. => Read the text together.
基礎英語 May Issue
(p. 72-) Lesson 35
Review the summary. Share good ones: Hiro and Hanako’s
(p. 76-) Lesson 36
Talk about the picture: Josh and Emily are on the boat, and Koko is lifting it.
(p. 80-) Lesson 37
Talk about the picture: Midori is upset because the kitchen is a mess.
Shadowing. => Circle ‘it’ and understand what it refers to.
4級 単語練習 Part 1 #1-2
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