
Lesson Report Junior-1 September 12, 2023

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
It was sunny and hot today!
Did you eat ice cream?

Who is the real boss in your house?
Moeが丸井家では the real bossですね。

Take care!


<Lesson Review>




Unit 3-1  Welcome to Japan!

(p. 32) Let’s Learn!  

#1 Read the sentences. => Trace the sentences.

#2 Say the sentences. => Write the sentences.

#3 Read and say the sentences. => Write the sentences. 

(p. 33) #4 Listen and answer the questions.

基礎英語1 September Issue

(p. 28-) Lesson 84

Today’s Scene: Have a student read it.

Vocabulary: in the living room, homework, newspaper, work

*Write the words and phrases on the board. 

Talk about the picture: We can see Chanko on Gota’s shoulder. He has a kettle in his hand. Moe is sitting in front of the computer. Fiona and Kento are watching them.

In the living room, Fiona and Kento are doing their homework. Gota is reading the newspaper. Moe is working. 

Listen to the story and ask questions: What does Moe want? – She wants some coffee. Who is the real boss? – Moe is.


Repeat the lines without looking at the textbook.

Overlapping. 指差し!

Check reading. => Role-play. (Moe ó Gota, Kento, and Fiona)


Copy the story and submit it. 

Write a Lesson Review => Google Classroom


Homework 📚


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