Hello, everyone! How are you doing?
3 min. Talk: Do you think parents should let their children play video games? #2
Chapter 18 Unit 1 You must work hard to win the competition.
(p. 93) Exercise-2
#1 Read the sentences as a review.
#2 Complete the text together.
(p. 94) #3-a. Write three things about yourself. Write about your will to solve the problem or achieve your goal using must/mustn’t in three sentences including the statement.
=> Work in pairs. Repeat your partner’s sentences. => Write about your partner and post.
基礎英語2 September Issue
(p. 18-) Week 1 Day 2
Check Words and Phrases Listen and repeat.
Listen to the story. => Answer the question: What does it mean? Write in Japanese in the chat room:
Some boys even tell me to just leave them alone.
ð How would you say it in direct speech?
Some boys even say to me, “Just leave us alone.”
=> Role-play.
準2級 単語練習 Part 2 #2-2
Lesson Review
*夏休みの宿題 3級 単語練習 Part 14-2, 14-3
問題1実践対策1, 2, 3
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