Hello, everyone! How are you doing?
4 min. Talk: What do you think is the most important when you decide your future career? #1
Chapter 21 Unit 2 Ron isn’t as tall as his dad.
(p. 144) Grammar and Communication-1 A is as … as …
Take dictation.
#1 Read and complete the sentences together.
(p. 145) #2 Complete the sentences together. => Practice in pairs.
#3 Complete the sentences together. => Pair repeating.
Winter Homework
(p. 141) Grammar and Communication-4
(p. 150) Grammar and Communication-5
基礎英語2 January Issue
(p. 38-) Week 2 Day 2, 3, and 4
Read the three stories through and talk with a partner about where you don’t understand well. => Share the things with the class and learn about them.
Day 2: the one closest to our home => the high school that is the closest to our school
while => on the other hand
out of character for you => A is out Aは外れている。of 以下のことから(ここではcharacter から外れている)
saying => ことわざ、言い伝え
Don’t judge a book by its cover. => judge は(良いか悪いかなどの)判断する。表紙を見ただけで本の中身を判断するな。
Day 3: gather と collect の違い。どちらも「集める」の意味だが、それぞれが違った使い方がある。 eg. family gathering (親戚の集まり) gatherは人々が集まって何かをするような集会を開くときなどに使われる言葉でもある。
Day 4: Jenny’s questions were a wake-up call! => Jenny’s questions woke me up!
=> Shadowing.
準2級 単語練習 Part 10 #10-3
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