
Lesson Report Junior-3 February 26th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Saturday, February 26, 2022.
It was sunny and warm today.
It's going to be even warmer tomorrow.
You can enjoy taking a walk in the sun!

AGAIN! 基礎英語の音読は放送の中で練習してできるように頑張りましょう。

Clothes のプレゼンテーション原稿は必ずGoogle Driveに共有して添削を受けてください。

Have a wonderful Sunday!
I'll see you all on Wednesday.


<Lesson Review>

Song of the month: Dynamite


Speech Navigator Unit 4 Clothes

(p. 31) Presentation => Write and share on Google Drive.

Presentation on March 5th

Bridge Work 1 

Chapter 2 Unit 2

(p. 43) Grammar and Communication-4  the 

Listen and repeat. => Practice from Japanese together, then in pairs. 


(p. 43) Exercise-4 

Complete the sentences individually. (20 sec each) => Check and read together. => Pair repeating. 


(p. 44) Grammar in Use 

#1 Check the instruction. => Answer the questions individually. => Check the answers. 

=> Make questions and answer in pairs. 

基礎英語1 2月号

(p. 70) Lesson 185  Listen and remember

Listen and Remember Shadow the stories. Repeat and type the sentence in the zoom chat room. 

Monday: Joe is talking about a good place for Shin’s movie.

Tuesday: Akane is giving Shin his movie script.

Wednesday: Akane is talking to Liam in the empty classroom.

Thursday: Shin and Liam are talking about magic.

(p. 74-) Lesson 186

Talk about the picture: Shin is joining his friends at the empty field.

Listen to the story. 

Task: Find prepositions.(前置詞を探す) with, for, of, for

Task-2: Find English words: 人、それと、待つ、あやうく、もうひとり、声、役割



(p. 78-) Lesson 187

Listen to the story.



5 単語練習 #8-3

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