Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
Song of the month: Here comes the sun
Speech Navigator Unit 5 My Money
(p. 33) Phrase Station: Practice phrases to talk about money.
Practice Q3 and RQ2. => Practice in pairs. (I => You) => Write a report about yourself and your partner.
Bridge Work 1
Chapter 3 Unit 2
(p. 51) Word Box #13 序数
Chapter 4 Unit 1 We live in California.
(p. 55) Grammar and Communication-4 一般動詞の疑問文
Take dictation. => Practice Japanese to English together, then in pairs.
(p. 55) Exercise-4
#1-a. Complete the short conversations together.
#1-b. Work in pairs. Add one more question. => Write a report.
基礎英語1 3月号
(p. 66-) Lesson 204
Talk about the picture: Everyone is smiling.
Write down a question and listen to the story: What does Liam give to Shin? – He gives a camera to Shin. What can Shin see with the camera? – He can see Australia with it.
Task: thatを入れる、another の意味、both の意味
5級 単語練習 #9-3 => 春休み中にPart 10, Part 11 まで終わらせる
Speaking は4級は#20まで終わらせる
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