Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, March 9, 2022.
Song of the month: The best day
Speech Navigator Unit 4 Clothes
(p. 31) Feedback on the Presentation
Bridge Work 1
Chapter 3 Unit 2
(p. 47) #2-a. Review: Read the text together.
#2-b. Find the information in #2-a. and complete the sentences.
(p. 48) Grammar and Communication-2 How many …?
Repeat the sentences with the textbook closed. => Practice Japanese to English together, then in pairs.
(p. 48) Exercise-2
#1-a. Complete the text individually in 2 min. => Read and check.
基礎英語1 3月号
(p. 14-) Lesson 191
Talk about the picture: Nina is talking to the newspaper club members.
Listen to the story.
Task: Find prepositions.(前置詞を探す) for, in
Task-2: Find English words: 紹介する、来年度、〜がある、訪ねる
(p. 18-) Lesson 192
Listen to the story.
Task: Find prepositions.(前置詞を探す) like, with
4級 Speaking #12
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