
Lesson Report MEL-1 July 19, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing today?
It's Friday, July 19, 2024.
Summer break has started! 
Are you excited?

今日でMELも1学期の授業が終わりました。Great job, everyone!


Have a good weekend!
See you!


<Lesson Review> レッスンの振り返り

Winpass  Unit 9-1  My Best Memory

(p. 89) Let’s Learn!

#5なりきりAoi. Present in front of the class.


基礎英語-1  July Issue (7月号)

(p. 54) Lesson 70

Listen and Remember: シャドーイング

(p. 55) Mr. Honda’s Corner  未来の時を表す表現



(p. 58-) Lesson 71  花火大会へ行こう!

Today’s Scene

Grey, Mika, and Takashi are chatting over lunch. There is something Mika and Takashi are excited about that evening.



What are Mika and Takashi excited about? – They are excited about the fireworks festival.

Where does it take place? – It takes place by the river.

Is Grey going to go with them? – Yes, he is.


Role play. Work in groups of three. (3人グループでロールプレイ)


(p. 62) Lesson 72

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, and Takashi visit the fireworks festival. People there are all excited, but Grey doesn’t watch the fireworks so much.


Listen and read.

Speech Contest.



Monthly Review => Google Classroom

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