
Lesson Report MEL-2 July 20, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 
The summer vacation has started!! (夏休みが始まりましたね!)
Are you excited? 



Have a lot of fun!
See you!


<Lesson Review>

基礎英語-1  July Issue (7月号)

(p. 54) Lesson 70

Listen and Remember: シャドーイング

(p. 55) Mr. Honda’s Corner  未来の時を表す表現



(p. 58-) Lesson 71  花火大会へ行こう!

Today’s Scene

Grey, Mika, and Takashi are chatting over lunch. There is something Mika and Takashi are excited about that evening.



What are Mika and Takashi excited about? 

– They are excited about the fireworks festival.

Where does it take place? – It takes place by the river.

Is Grey going to go with them? – Yes, he is.

Role play. 

Quiz Time!

Find missing words.(隠れている言葉を見つけよう!)

By the river. => The fireworks festival takes place by the river.

Fireworks? => What are fireworks?

Big lights in the sky. => They are big lights in the sky.

Interesting! => That sounds interesting!

I will go with you. For research. => I will go with you for research.


(p. 62) Lesson 72

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, and Takashi visit the fireworks festival. People there are all excited, but Grey doesn’t watch the fireworks so much.


Listen and read.(音読練習)


Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 2 Unit 2  Those are cherry trees.

(p. 32) Grammar and Communication-3  that and those




#1 (復習)クラスの1人の後についてリピート

(p. 33) #2 文を完成させて練習 

Activity:That is a gym. (Is that a gym?) That isn’t a gym. (OK. What is it?) It’s a music hall.

Speech Contest

Practice and record with the app.



*Riho => Master’s Division.





試験対策 単語練習 5級トレーニング Unit 4 #4-1


Monthly Review

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