
Lesson Report MEL-1 February 25, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School.  

How are you?

It's Tuesday, February 25th.
It's sunny today in Hyogo.

皆さんYesとNoで答える質問への理解が深まってきましたね!You're all doing absolutely great on it!

Please take good care of yourself!
See you next in March!


基礎英語-1  February Issue (2月号)

(p. 66-) Lesson 193  日本の家庭料理

Today’s Scene: Ms. Saito invited Grey, Mika, and Takashi to her house. She cooked dinner for them.


Listen to the story.

Questions: Does Ms. Saito’s favorite dish have shiitake mushrooms? – Yes, it does.

Is Mika going to eat the dish with shiitake mushrooms? – No, she isn’t.


Listen and repeat with the textbook closed.


Listen and read.




(p. 70-) Lesson 194  もう1

Listen and read.


Students practice reading individually. They can ask the teacher questions if necessary.


Copy the sentences in the notebook. => Read and check in pairs. (The teacher makes pairs every time two students finish copying.) => Share the notebook on GC.


Lesson Review => Google Classroom

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