
Lesson Report MEL-3 February 25, 2025

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School.  

How are you?

It's Tuesday, February 18th.
It's sunny today in Hyogo.


Please take good care of yourself!
See you next in March!


3min.Talk: Do you have any brothers or sisters? #3


Bridge Work Book 2

Chapter 13 Unit 2  Some of us can run fast.

(p.20 ) Grammar and Communication 5

Review: Listen and repeat with the textbooks closed.


(p. 21) Exercise-5  A dog and a cat

Complete the text individually. => Read and check.

ð  Write the following story on GC. (2-3 sentences.) => Share it with the class. Teacher gives feedback.



基礎英語1 February Issue

(p. 74) Lesson 195

Listen and Remember: Have them take notes while listening to the whole stories of the week. Compare the notes together.Share the photos on GC.=> Have them think about which note works best and why. => Retell the week’s stories in 1 min. with notes in pairs.


ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 準2Unit 5 #5-2 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Monthly Review

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