
Lesson Report MEL-2 June 29, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Saturday, June 29, 2024. 
It's mostly sunny and hot today. 

You can do it!

Have a wonderful new week.
See you all next week!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

(p. 74) Lesson 55

Listen and Remember: シャドーイングで復習!

(p. 75) Mr. Honda’s Corner 主語と目的語について



(p. 78-) Lesson 56  ミカのグラブ

Today’s Scene

Grey found Mika’s baseball glove in the spaceship. He gave it to her before history class. Ms. Saito finds Mika has a glove after the class.


Quiz Time!

What do two ‘its’ (it) refer to? (itは2つとも Mika's grandfather's gloveでしたね!)

(p. 82) Lesson 57

Today’s Scene: Mika and Takashi took Grey to a firefly festival. It’s getting dark around there.

Listen and read.

Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 2 Unit 1  These are Cindy’s books.

(p. 27) Grammar in Use  Talking about some cities in the world.


a, anの使い方があやしい人は23ページの表をもう一度よくみておきましょう。

Prep for the Speech Contest







試験対策 単語練習 5級トレーニング Unit 2 #2-4


Lesson Review

Lesson Report MEL-3 June 28, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?
It's Saturday, June 29, 2024.
It's cloudy today.

Do you like rainy days? 
No, I don't. I don't like them. I need to walk with an umbrella all the time.
I need to choose my clothes and shoes carefully.
However, rainy days are good if I'm home and read a book. 
We'll talk about it next time again. Please think about it over the weekend.

Have a good weekend and a new week.
See you next week!


<Lesson Review> 

2min. Talk: Do you like rainy days? #2

*Try to tell a partner reasons and details/examples why you like/don’t like rainy days.



Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 7 Unit 2  I usually play tennis on Saturdays but I’m studying for a test now.

(p. 120) Grammar in Use  Is it snowing in Denver?



(p. 121) Key Communication

Practice making sentences. 文を作る練習

Test next Friday. 来週の金曜日にテストです!


基礎英語1 June Issue

(p. 78-) Lessons 56 and 57

Make a summary in 4 sentences individually. 2 sentences for each lesson. Students post the sentences on Google Classroom in pairs. => Practice saying it in pairs.




Speech Contest

Practice and record with the app.





ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 3級Unit 5 #5-1 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Lesson Review


Lesson Report MEL-1 June 28, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Friday, June 28, 2024.
It's rainy today. It's so wet!

みんな上位を狙って頑張りましょう!You can do it!

Have a good weekend.
See you!

<Lesson Review> レッスンの振り返り  

Winpass  Unit 9-1  My Best Memory

(p. 86) Target



Picture Word Box 学校行事

単語の発音練習=> ペアで練習


(p. 87) Activity-1 


My も our も your になりましたね! youと発音が違うので気をつけましょう。

Homework: Workbook p. 46       



基礎英語-1  June Issue(6月号)

(p. 74) Lesson 55

Listen and Remember: シャドーイング

(p. 75) Mr. Honda’s Corner 主語と目的語について


(p. 78-) Lesson 56  ミカのグラブ

Today’s Scene

Grey found Mika’s baseball glove in the spaceship. He gave it to her before history class. Ms. Saito finds Mika has a glove after the class.


Questions: ストーリーについての質問

Whose glove does Mika have? – She has her grandfather’s glove.

Whose grandfather was a novelist? – Ms. Saito’s grandfather was (a novelist).



(p. 82) Lesson 57

Today’s Scene: Mika and Takashi took Grey to a firefly festival. It’s getting dark around there.








Lesson Review => Google Classroom


Lesson Report MEL-4 June 27, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?
It's Thursday, June 27, 2024. 

The Speech Contest has started!! 
You tried hard and did a great job!

Enjoy the weekend.
See you next week!

<Lesson Review>

3 min. Talk: What should high school students do during summer vacation? #4

Write a mini-essay in 7 sentences.

*Straight answer + reason(s) + example(s)/detail(s) => Next time

=> Review and share.


Chapter 16 Unit 2  That’s too expensive. Can I see other ones?

(p. 71) Grammar and Communication-2  I think that …の使い方

Take dictation.



#1 Make sentences together. => Pair repeating. Two sentences at a time.

基礎英語2 June Issue

(p. 76-) Week 4 Days 1, 2, and 3

Write about the three days in 6 sentences. Use indirect speech.

Use the questions:

(1) What are they preparing for?

(2) What is Haruki looking for?

(3) How does Reina find the concert hall?

(4) What are the audience told not to do? When are they told about it?

Prep for the Speech Contest

Practice reading the text. Put slashes and try to understand the content. => Recording.



ELST 準2級単語練習 Unit 5-2



Lesson Review


Lesson Report MEL-3 June 25, 2024

 Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
It's cloudy today in Hyogo.

But I like the sound of the rain! 

I hope you have a wonderful week!
See you next time!


2min. Talk: Do you like rainy days? #1

*Try to tell a partner reasons and details/examples why you like/don’t like rainy days.


Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 7 Unit 2  I usually play tennis on Saturdays but I’m studying for a test now.

(p. 119) Exercise-2

#2 Complete the conversations together. => Role-play.

#3 Demonstrations. Check the options for (3) . Make sure to repeat a partner’s answer. => Work in pairs.


Prep for the Speech Contest

Practice reading the text. Put slashes and try to understand the content.




基礎英語1 June Issue

(p. 66-) Lessons 53 and 54

Make a summary in 4 sentences individually. 2 sentences for each lesson. Students post the sentences on Google Classroom in pairs. => Practice saying it in pairs.


ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 3Unit 5 #5-1 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Lesson Review

Lesson Report MEL-1 June 25, 2024

  Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
It's cloudy today in Hyogo.

It's getting humid, isn't it?

I hope you have a wonderful week!
See you next time!


Winpass  Unit 9-1  My Best Memory


(p. 86) Target


What’s Aoi’s best memory? – It’s their school trip. 

Where did they go? – They went to Kyoto.

What did they see there? – They saw old temples there.


Picture Word Box 学校行事

聞いてリピート練習=> 聞いて番号をつける練習


Homework: ELST Target and Picture Word Box 


Speech Contest prep.

Read the text and put slashes.




基礎英語-1  June Issue6月号)

(p. 66-) Lesson 53  グレイの装置

Today’s Scene:

Grey, Mika, and Takashi are on the ship. They are leaving for Japan. Mika and Takashi are talking about their trip to Australia.


First listening

Questions: Ask students about the story.

Who talked to them in Australia? – The animal did.

Where did Grey get the gadget? – He made it. He makes all his gadgets.

Do Grey’s gadgets sometimes break? – Yes, they do.

(p. 67) 聞いてリピート練習



(p. 70) Lesson 54

Today’s Scene: In the morning, Takashi finds Grey. He is talking to him.



ノートに書いて練習=>Google Classroom に投稿


Lesson Review => Google Classroom


Lesson Report MEL-2 June 25th/26th, 2024

 Hello, Class! This is Aoi from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 25/26, 2024. 
It's sunny and hot today. 

Speech Contestの練習に入りましたね!
練習を積み重ねれば上手に読めるようになりますよ!You can do it!

Have a wonderful week!

(p. 66-) Lesson 53  グレイの装置 

Today’s Scene

Grey, Mika, and Takashi are on the ship. They are leaving for Japan. Mika and Takashi are talking about their trip to Australia.  


First listening

Questions: Ask students about the story. 

Who talked to them in Australia? – The animal did. 

Where did Grey get the gadget? – He made it. He makes all his gadgets 

Do Grey’s gadgets sometimes break? – Yes, they do. 

(p. 67) Listen and repeat.


Quiz Time! 

What’s the difference between the two ‘its’? 

The one in Takashi’s first line ‘It was wonderful!’ and the one in Grey’s first line ‘ I made it.’ 

(p. 70) Lesson 54 

Today’s Scene: In the morning, Takashi finds Grey. He is talking to him. 

Listen and read. 

Quiz Time! 

What does ‘this’ in Grey’s second line refer to? 

What’s missing after ‘Mika’s’ in Takashi’s second line? 

What does ‘it’ in Takashi’s third line refer to? 

Prep for the Speech Contest 

Practice reading the text. Put slashes and try to understand the content.  

Bridge Work Book 

Chapter 2 Unit 1  These are Cindy’s books. 


(p. 26) #1 Review: Read the sentences. => Practice converting the sentences orally together. => Practice in pairs. 

#2 Practice making sentences with the information on the chart. => Write the sentences in the notebook. 


(p. 27) Grammar in Use  Talking about some cities in the world. 

Check the instructions. => Make sentences individually. => Read and check. => Role-play.  


試験対策 単語練習 5級トレーニング Unit 2 #2-4 

Lesson Review