
Lesson Report MEL-2 June 1, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Saturday, June 1, 2024. 
It's mostly sunny and cloudy today. 
It was warm! 暑いぐらいでしたね。

You can do it!

Have a wonderful Sunday.
See you all next time!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

基礎英語-1  May Issue(5月号)

(p. 74) Lesson 35

Listen and Remember: Shadowing(シャドーイング)

(p. 75) Mr. Honda’s Corner 過去形のedの発音のルール



(p. 78-) Lesson 36  バッテリーのチャージ

Today’s Scene

Grey didn’t come to the cafeteria at lunch. Right before the afternoon classes started, Grey came back to the classroom.


Questions: Ask students about the story. 

Where was Grey? – He was in the storage room.

What did he use to charge his ship’s battery? – He used mushrooms. 



Charged? => You charged your ship’s battery?

Yes. => Yes, I did.

With mushrooms. => I charged my ship’s battery with mushrooms.

With mushrooms? => You charged your ship’s battery with mushrooms?

Interesting! => It’s/That’s interesting!


Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 1 Unit 2  Fred’s parents are from Mexico.

(p. 21) Grammar in Use  About parents

#2 Review and present.


試験対策 単語練習 5級トレーニング Unit 1 #1-1


Lesson Review

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