
Lesson Report MEL-2 June 18 and 19, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Wednesday, June 19, 2024. 
It's sunny and beautiful today. 
It was hot!

火曜日はすごい雨でしたね。It rained a lot on Tuesday.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you all on Saturday!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

(p. 46-) Lesson 48  コアラの名前の意味

Today’s Scene

Grey, Mika, and Takashi are visiting an animal sanctuary in Australia. A guide is holding a koala. It doesn’t look happy.



Is the koala thirsty? – No, it isn’t. Koalas don’t drink water.

What do koalas eat? – They eat eucalyptus leaves.


Role play. 

Find missing parts:隠れている場所を探そう!

What? => What did you say?


(p. 50) Lesson 49

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, and Takashi are visiting an animal sanctuary in Australia. The guide shows them an echidna. It is eating its food.


Listen and read.

Find missing parts:隠れている場所を探そう!

Bugs. => It is bugs.

Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 2 Unit 1  These are Cindy’s books.

(p. 25) Exercise-2

#2 Review: Convert the sentences. => Practice in pairs.

(p. 26) Grammar and Communication-3  our, your, their

Listen and repeat with the textbook closed. => Listen and read. 


試験対策 単語練習 5級トレーニング Unit 2 #2-2


Lesson Review

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