Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School.
Winpass Unit 8-2 Sightseeing in Japan
(p. 85) Let’s Learn More!
#2 Presentation
基礎英語-1 June Issue(6月号)
(p. 54) Lesson 50
Listen and Remember: シャドーイングで前週のお話を復習!
(p. 55) Mr. Honda’s Corner 一般動詞の語尾のs の発音について
(p. 58-) Lesson 51 鳥さんに聞こう
Today’s Scene: 英語だと次のようになりましたね!
Grey, Mika, and Takashi are visiting Australia. They leave the animal sanctuary for Grey’s ship, but they are lost.
Questions: ストーリーについての質問
Can Grey talk to a bird? – Yes, he can.
What did Grey ask about his ship? – He asked a bird about his ship.
Did the bird see a ship? – Yes, it did.
Role play. ロールプレイ
(p. 62) Lesson 52
カンガルーはgood boxersですね!
Monthly Review (6月の振り返り)=> Google Classroom
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