
Lesson Report MEL-1 June 18, 2024

 Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Tuesday, June 18, 2024.
It's sunny today in Hyogo.

We are halfway through 2024!
Let's keep it up!

See you next time!


Winpass  Unit 8-2  Sightseeing in Japan

(p. 85) Let’s Learn More!

Divide the class into three.

#2 スピーチの下書き



基礎英語-1  June Issue6月号)

(p. 46-) Lesson 48  コアラの名前の意味

Today’s Scene

Grey, Mika, and Takashi are visiting an animal sanctuary. A guide is holding a Koala. It doesn’t look happy.


First listening

Questions: Ask students about the story.

Is the koala thirsty? – No, it isn’t. Koalas don’t drink water.

What do Koalas eat? – They eat eucalyptus leaves.

(p. 47) 聞いてリピート練習


(p. 39)音読練習




(p. 50) Lesson 49

Today’s Scene: Grey, Mika, and Takashi are visiting an animal sanctuary in Australia. The guide shows them an echidna. It is eating its food.



ノートに書いて練習→Google Classroom に投稿


Lesson Review => Google Classroom

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