
Lesson Report Junior-1 October 7th

Hello everyone in J1 class!  This is Miharu from MEL School.
It’s Monday, October 7th, 2019.
It was cloudy and rainy today. 

How long is the bridge?-It's 200 meters long. 
How old is this building?-It's fifteen years old.
Bridge Work1-Unit3では、How+形容詞を使った疑問文の使い方を練習をしました。

Engageでは、Manhattan, Newの街を紹介するパンフレットを通して、知識を深め、リーディング練習をしました。

~Today's Dictation and STT(Speech to Text)~
STT=>What is the famous underwater tunnel in Japan? Its name is Seikan Tunnel. It's between Hokkaido and Aomori. How long is it? It's about 54 kilometers long. How old is it? It's over 20 years old.  
※5段階評価と目安:A(100%) B+ (80%以上) B(55%以上)B- (40%以上)C (40%未満)

Lesson Review 
1. 英検 練習 
2018年度第三回 リスニング問題 part-2

2. Engage
Unit4 Living English (p.42) 

3. Bridge Work 1  
[Chapter6 Unit3] 
Ex-1 #2, #3
Grammar and Communication-2, Ex-2 #1, #2

Engage: Ex-3(p.42)
Bridge Work 1Grammar and Communication-2,
Ex-2 #2(p.99-100)


Have a relaxing week!  
See you on Thursday.


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