Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
It's been raining! We are going to have a wet week!
It's good to stay home when the weather is not good, isn't it?
Be safe and healthy!! That's the first priority!
See you on Thursday at 7:15.
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語2 Lesson 53 at home.
基礎英語2 (7月号)
Lesson 52 (p. 28-)
Overlapping. -> Review the summary. Share good ones: Nako
Practice and repost.
(p. 31) CAN-DO Practice
Practice the sentences.
Review 13 (p. 32-)
This Week’s Stories => Check each summary and read it out loud. => Shadowing
Something Good to know => Learn the difference between gerunds and to-infinitives.
This Week’s Target Sentences. => Practice and test.
Test: four sentences (Give them Japanese orally.)
1. I’m going to the supermarket to get food for the picnic.
2. Karen started to learn Japanese to enjoy kabuki.
3. I’m happy to be a regular player.
4. Do you know what to do next?
Lesson 53 (p. 36-)
Talk about the picture. => Overlapping => Write a summary
Bridge Work-2
Chapter 15 Unit 1
(p. 51) Grammar and Communication-2 every/some/any/no one
Review: Read and look up the example sentences.
(p. 51) Exercise-2
#1 and 2 Complete the text individually. => Check and practice reading it out loud.
(p. 41) Grammar in Use-1 Let’s talk about the holidays! => Next presentation
Write an essay in the Google Drive
Support Time all together
Those who don’t need it can finish at 8:45.
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