
Lesson Report Junior-1 September 29th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Tuesday, September 29th.
It was really beautiful yesterday, but it was cloudy all day today. 

All of you made fantastic videos! I'm so happy to watch them!
You also wrote nice comments to your classmates. That's fabulous!

You have homework to do this time.
Don't forget it!


<Lesson Review>


Song: Try Everything 

Video Presentation Contest

Present the video. => Give the presenter a comment and make a question.  


Lessons 98 (p. 82-)

Look at the picture and talk about it. (How does Iroha look?)

Listen and talk about the story. (Why does she look sad? What can Iroha eat after lunch?)

Check words and phrases. 

Practice reading the text out loud without looking at the textbook.  

Repeating in pairs.

Study Today’s CAN-DO. 

Lessons 99 (p. 78-)

Look at the picture and talk about it. 

Listen and talk about the story. 

Practice reading the text out loud without looking at the textbook.  

Role-play in pairs.

Study Today’s CAN-DO. 

Homework: (p. 116-) カレンの特別レッスン 

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 28th

 Hello everyone! 

This is Towako from MEL School.

It was rainy and chilly today.

What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

We will have a rainy weekend. Please enjoy yourself at home!

See you on Monday at 7:45!


<Lesson Review>

Bridge to MEL 2 

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #82-90 

82 ジェニファーは私を見て微笑みました。

82 私はメガネを探しています。

83 ルナは去年彼女の英語の試験に通りました。

84 私たちはふつう放課後にテニスの練習をします。

85 激しい雨が1時間前にやみました。

85 シンディーはけっして読書をやめません。

86 サリーはけっして彼女のテストの点について話しません。

87 私は毎日フレッドと学校へ歩いていきます。

88 私は自分の服を週に1回洗います。

89 私の家族はけっして食事中にテレビをみません。

90 私の母は平日は9時から5時まで働いています。

90 私たちは今、Bridge Workに取り組んでいるところです。

Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1  

(p. 78) Grammar and Communication-3 

Study the examples. => Repeat after audio.

Speech Navigator-2 Unit 1

Review the report to write a better one this time. 

Talk about yourself: Study question #7

Phrase Station: Learn how to answer the question and practice the phrases. 


Lesson 76 Over to you

Pick out the examples by students. => Practice saying them out loud all together. 

 Lesson 77 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 76-) Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together. => Pair repeating. => Study Today’s Point. => Practice ‘CAN-DO Practice’ all together.


Lesson Report Junior-2 September 28th


Lesson Report for September 28th, 2020


Hello, Everyone!

It’s been a lovely, warm, sunny day today, hasn’t it?!

Please see below to review what we did in today’s lesson,

and see you on Thursday!


Bridge to MEL 2

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #82-90  Pattern Practice

Reading check. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below.

82 ジェニファーは私を見て微笑みました。

82 私はメガネを探しています。

83 ルナは去年彼女の英語の試験に通りました。

84 私たちはふつう放課後にテニスの練習をします。

85 激しい雨が1時間前にやみました。

85 シンディーはけっして読書をやめません。

86 サリーはけっして彼女のテストの点について話しません。

87 私は毎日フレッドと学校へ歩いていきます。

88 私は自分の服を週に1回洗います。

89 私の家族はけっして食事中にテレビをみません。

90 私の母は平日は9時から5時まで働いています。

90 私たちは今、Bridge Workに取り組んでいるところです。


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1 

(p. 78) Grammar and Communication-3 Let’s do ~ ? Shall we ~ ?

Repeat examples with textbook closed. => Practice Japanese to English. => Read the examples.


Speech Navigator-2 Unit 1

Basic Sample Speech Pattern Practice

Review: Study the questions

Practice the conversation using the questions 1 to 5 in pairs.  



Lesson 76 Over to you

Practise examples. => Homework: What is your favourite book? Who was it written by?

Lesson 77 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 76-) Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together.

=> Study Today’s Point. => Practice ‘CAN-DO Practice’ all together.



Lesson Report Junior-3 September 27th

 Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Sunday, September 27th.

The weather has been not so good for the last four days.

It seems like we're having nice weather this week, which is starting today.

Have a nice day!

See you all on Wednesday at 7:30!

<Lesson Review>


Presentation: Sports or Music

Yusei (Sep. 26) => Akira (Sep. 30) => Atsuya (Oct. 3) => Kota (Oct. 7) Masamune =>  (Oct. 10) => Marina (Oct. 14) => Mirei (Oct. 17) => Mone (Oct. 21) => Nodoka (Oct. 24) => Ryota (Oct. 28) => Shiki (Oct. 31) => Shiori (Nov. 4) => Shunnosuke (Nov. 7) => Takumi (Nov. 11) => Yuiko (Nov. 14) => Yuki (Nov. 18)  

(p. 68) Lesson 94  Senior high school students and part-time jobs

Review Task 3: Write your opinion. Do you agree with the writer’s opinion? Why? Why not? 

Write in three-four sentences or 40 to 50 words.  => Share good ones: Akira and Yuki

I agree with the writer’s opinion. It’s important for senior high school students to think about their future. They need to decide what to study at university. If they work as a part-timer, they will have a clearer image of the society. (42 words)

I don’t agree with the writer’s opinion. It’s not always safe for senior high school students to work outside schools. They can learn many things by studying hard and participating in volunteer work or club activities. They don’t have to do part-time jobs to learn discipline and independence. (48 words)

Reading practice checking how relative pronouns are used in the text.


(p. 60-) Lesson 92  Don’t talk like that!

Review the post: Study Today’s Grammar. 

*Make sentences and post: Mami, who is my cousin, always helps me with my homework. 

Arashi, which is one of the most popular idol groups in Japan, decided to have their last concert online. 

Bridge to MEL Book 3

Chapter 29 Unit 2

(p. 59) Exercise-2 

#2  Complete the text all together. => Practice the conversation with a partner.

#3  Demonstrate original short conversation. => Work in pairs. => Report by STT

(p. 60) #4 Complete Cindy's part all together. => Talk as if you are Cindy. => Reporting practice with a partner. 


Lesson Report Junior-1 September 25th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Wednesday, September 23rd.
It's rainy again! I'm hoping we are having a sunny day soon.

What wonderful videos!! All of you did an excellent job!

Let's enjoy watching them!
See you all on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review>


Song: Try Everything 


Review the task: Check all the comments together. => Practice saying the corrected sentences. => Post STT.

Lessons 96 (p. 74-)

Look at the picture and talk about it. 

Listen and talk about the story. 

Check words and phrases. 

Practice reading the text out loud without looking at the textbook.  

Repeating in pairs.

Study Today’s CAN-DO. => Use the expressions in the later video contest. 

Lessons 97 (p. 78-)

Look at the picture and talk about it. 

Listen and talk about the story. 

Practice reading the text out loud with looking at the textbook.  

Practice shadowing

Study Today’s CAN-DO. => Use the expressions in the later video contest. 

Watch a video of Banaue: https://youtu.be/7LqAJoD-PpA

Video Presentation Contest

Present the video. => Give the presenter a comment and make a question.  


Lesson Report Junior-2 September 24th

Hello everyone! 

This is Towako from MEL School.

It was rainy and chilly today.

What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

We will have a rainy weekend. Please enjoy yourself at home!

See you on Monday at 7:45!


<Lesson Review>

Bridge to MEL 2 

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #74-81  Pattern Practice

Reading check. => Give them Japanese. => Practice from Japanese to English in pairs. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below. 

74 シンディーはいつも授業のあとに質問をします。

75 私はときどきお母さんとケーキを焼きます。

76 ジョージは決して私たちの近所の人たちには吠えません。

77 お父さんはふつう日曜の晩に夕食を作ります。

78 夕食前に宿題を終わらせなさい、いいわね?

79 私の宿題を手伝ってくれませんか。

80 フレッドはジョークを聞くといつも大きな声で笑います。

81 私は時間のあるときには音楽を聞くのが好きです。

Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1  

(p. 78) Exercise-2 

#3 Study the questions. => Students find the answer in the text to underline. => Check the answers. => Practice reading the text out loud all together, then in pairs. 

Speech Navigator-2 Unit 1

Basic Sample Speech Pattern Practice

Review: Overlapping the speech. 

Talk about yourself: Study the questions

Phrase Station: Learn how to answer the questions and practice the phrases. 

Practice the conversation using questions 1 to 5 in pairs. => Write a report about a partner. 


Lesson 76 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 68-) Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together. => Repeat after each other in pairs. => Study Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice. 

Practice more: Ask students to make a question. => Practice it all together. 

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 24th


Lesson Report for Thursday, September 24th


Hello, Everyone!

It was quite cold and rainy today, wasn’t it?

But it was lovely to have everyone together in the class again today!

Please see below to review what we did in the lesson.

Have a good weekend, take care and see you next Monday!


Bridge to MEL 2

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #74-81  Pattern Practice

Review of the past tense (過去形) ending pronunciation of different verbs.

Reading check. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below.

74 シンディーはいつも授業のあとに質問をします。

75 私はときどきお母さんとケーキを焼きます。

76 ジョージは決して私たちの近所の人たちには吠えません。

77 お父さんはふつう日曜の晩に夕食を作ります。

78 夕食前に宿題を終わらせなさい、いいわね?

79 私の宿題を手伝ってくれませんか。

80 フレッドはジョークを聞くといつも大きな声で笑います。

81 私は時間のあるときには音楽を聞くのが好きです。


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1 

(p. 78) Exercise-2

#3 Study the questions. => Find the answer in the text to underline. => Check the answers. => Practice reading the text out loud all together, then in pairs.


Speech Navigator-2 Unit 1

Basic Sample Speech Pattern Practice

Review: Overlapping the speech.

Phrase Station: Learn how to answer the questions and practice the phrases.

Talk about yourself: Study the questions.

Homework: To prepare answers about your own ward/town/city.



Lesson 76 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 71) Review of Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice.

Practice with the Passive (受け身): e.g. Who was Botchan written by? / Who was Doraemon created by?

ð  Ask students to make a question. => Practice it all together.



Lesson Report Junior-3 September 23rd

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Wednesday, September 23rd.

It's getting cooler and cooler!

Don't catch a cold!

See you all on Saturday at 7:30!

*前回と同じミーティングID, パスワードで参加してください

<Lesson Review>


Presentation: Sports or Music

Yusei (Sep. 26) => Akira (Sep. 30) => Atsuya (Oct. 3) => Kota (Oct. 7) Masamune =>  (Oct. 10) => Marina (Oct. 14) => Mirei (Oct. 17) => Mone (Oct. 21) => Nodoka (Oct. 24) => Ryota (Oct. 28) => Shiki (Oct. 31) => Shiori (Nov. 4) => Shunnosuke (Nov. 7) => Takumi (Nov. 11) => Yuiko (Nov. 14) => Yuki (Nov. 18)  

Bridge to MEL Book 2

Chapter 25

(p. 222) Grammar in Use

Review reading

#2 Write and post your answer. => Review and share good ones: 

1. (1) Criteria: if you gave clear reason, you got A even though there were some grammatical mistakes. 

2. (2) Criteria: You need to give a straight answer first. When you give your own opinions, you should give some reasons. If the reason is clearly stated, you get B+ or above.  Yuiko => A-

3. (3) Criteria: You need to give a straight answer first. When you give their own opinions, you should give some reasons. Meet the required number of the words. But if there are too many grammatical mistakes, you got minus for them.  Yuiko and Yuki => A


(p. 60-) Lesson 92  Don’t talk like that!

Talk about the picture. => Listen to the conversation. => Talk about the conversation. => Repeat after audio with the text closed. => Repeating  => Study Today’s Grammar. 

*Complete the sentences and post.

(p. 68) Lesson 94  Senior high school students and part-time jobs

Task 1: Listen and take notes. => Tell the partner what the text is about and what the writer’s opinion is. 

*This text is about …. The writer thinks … because …

Task 2: Circle modal auxiliary verbs in the text. => discuss with a partner how they work in the text. => Discuss all together. 

Practice: Words and phrases. => Repeat audio. => Shadowing

Task 3: Write your opinion. Do you agree with the writer’s opinion? Why? Why not? 

Write in three-four sentences or 40 to 50 words.

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 22nd

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Wednesday, September 23rd.
Fortunately, we don't have a bad typhoon in Tokyo.
We are having a much cooler day. Please don't catch a cold!

I'm looking forward to watching your videos!!
See you all on Friday!


<Lesson Review>


Song: Try Everything 


Lessons 93 (p. 62-)

* Look at the picture and talk about it. 

* Listen and talk about the story. 

* Practice reading the text out loud.  

* Role-play in pairs. (Try to look at Japanese.) 

* Study Today’s CAN-DO and CAN-DO Practice to learn how to tell the reason.

Lessons 94 (p. 66-)

* Look at the picture and talk about it. 

* Listen and talk about the story. 

* Practice reading the text out loud.  

* Role-play in pairs. (Try to look at Japanese.) 

* Study Today’s CAN-DO and CAN-DO Practice to learn how to tell the reason.

Activity: I like taking a long bath because it’s relaxing. Do you like …? 

I don’t like playing games because I’m not good at it. Do you like …?

*Practice all together. => Work in groups of three. => Write a report about group members. 

Grammar Starter Unit 10 

 (p. 47) Exercise-8  Complete the sentences all together. => I think it’s Jenny’s. 

Speech Navigator 1  

Unit 1 About Myself 

Prepare for the Video Presentation on September 25.  

*Check Teachers’ feedback. Try STT. Add ‘I like … because …’ => Present in groups. Give group members advice. 


Lesson Report Junior-2 September 21st

Hello everyone! 

This is Towako from MEL School.

It was a very nice autumn day!

It's cool in the morning and evening.

Enjoy one more holiday!

See you on Thursday at 7:45!


<Lesson Review>

Bridge to MEL 2 

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #67-73  

Reading check. => Give them Japanese. => Practice from Japanese to English in pairs. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below. 

67 私たちは昨夜10人のお客さんを招きました。

68 A: 何か手伝いが必要ですか。 

B: いいえ、けっこうです。

69 ジェニファーは決してスケートをしません。

70 私の午前中の授業は8時半に始まります。

71 私たちは祖父母を1カ月に1度訪ねます。

72 私はフレッドを30分待ちました。

73 ダニーは朝食にいくらかのトーストが欲しいです。

Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1  

(p. 77) Grammar and Communication-2  

Practice the example sentences. Listen => Repeat 


#1 Study the example. => Complete the sentences orally all together. => Practice the conversation in pairs with the text blank. => Write about your parter's plan for tomorrow.

Speech Navigator-2 Unit 1

Basic Sample Speech Pattern Practice

Review: Overlapping the speech. 

Talk about yourself: Study the questions

Phrase Station: Learn how to answer the questions and practice the phrases. #1-3


Lesson 74 

Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together. => Role-play in pairs. => Study Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice. 

Lesson 75 

Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together.   => Study Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice. 

What is mochi made from? It is made from rice. => Practice in pairs.

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 21st


Lesson Report for Monday, September 21st


Hello, Everyone!

It was a national holiday, Respect for the Aged Day, today, wasn’t it?

You all did very well in the class, although it was sad to miss three students!

Please see below to review what we did today.

Take care and see you on Thursday!


Bridge to MEL 2

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #67-73  Pattern Practice

Reading check. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below.

67 私たちは昨夜10人のお客さんを招きました。

68 A: 何か手伝いが必要ですか。 

B: いいえ、けっこうです。

69 ジェニファーは決してスケートをしません。

70 私の午前中の授業は8時半に始まります。

71 私たちは祖父母を1カ月に1度訪ねます。

72 私はフレッドを30分待ちました。

73 ダニーは朝食にいくらかのトーストが欲しいです。


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1 

(p. 77) Grammar and Communicarion-2  Pattern Practice

Practice the example sentences. Listen => Repeat => J -> E


#1 Study the example. => Complete the sentences orally all together.



Lesson 75 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 60-) Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together. => Study Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice.

Lesson 76 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 60-) Talk about the story and Read the text out loud all together. => Study Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice.
