Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
<Lesson Review>
Song: Try Everything
Video Presentation Contest
Present the video. => Give the presenter a comment and make a question.
Lessons 98 (p. 82-)
Look at the picture and talk about it. (How does Iroha look?)
Listen and talk about the story. (Why does she look sad? What can Iroha eat after lunch?)
Check words and phrases.
Practice reading the text out loud without looking at the textbook.
Repeating in pairs.
Study Today’s CAN-DO.
Lessons 99 (p. 78-)
Look at the picture and talk about it.
Listen and talk about the story.
Practice reading the text out loud without looking at the textbook.
Role-play in pairs.
Study Today’s CAN-DO.
Homework: (p. 116-) カレンの特別レッスン