
Lesson Report Junior-2 September 7th


Lesson Report for Monday, September 7th ‌

Hello, Everyone! ‌

It was lovely that everyone was together again in the class today!

You did very well with reading the conversations from Kiso Eigo, and you are all getting much better at "expressing" in English.

Take care, and let's continue practising on Thursday! ‌

Please review what we did in today's lesson, as follows: ‌

Bridge to MEL 2 (p. 25) Verbs from Book 1 #34-39 Pattern Practice

Reading check. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below.

34. 私はいくつかのサンドイッチを持って行きました。

34. 私は昨夜11時ごろにお風呂に入りました。

35. お母さんは昨夜おばあちゃんに手紙を書きました。

36. お父さんは昨夜遅くに帰ってきました。

37. 私は先週の日曜日に10キロメートル走りました。

38. 彼女は私の頭を彼女のバッグでたたきました。

39. ダニーは彼のコーヒーカップをテーブルに置きました。

39. ダイアナは彼女のヘッドフォンをつけています。


基礎英語2(9月号) Lesson 65 Review the task: Write the answer to the question in three sentences and post. ‘Why did Kaito bring his basketball from Japan?’ e.g. Kaito brought the basketball because it’s very special to him. It [The ball] is the ball from the winning match of the regional tournament. His coach gave it to him as a graduation present. ‌

基礎英語2(9月号) Lesson 67 Chunk Reading (aloud) (p. 24) Talk about the story/picture and Read the text out loud all together. => Role-play in pairs. => Present

Lesson 68 Chunk Reading (aloud) and Pattern Practice (p.29) Read the text out loud all together. => Role-play in pairs. => Present


CAN-DO Practice, 27: Practice the completed sentences and questions all together. What does Sanae do when she is sad? - She cries a lot when she is sad. What do you do when you are sad? e.g. I listen to my favorite music when I am sad. => Practice the conversation in pairs. => Post a report about yourself and your classmates.

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