
Lesson Report Junior-2 September 24th


Lesson Report for Thursday, September 24th


Hello, Everyone!

It was quite cold and rainy today, wasn’t it?

But it was lovely to have everyone together in the class again today!

Please see below to review what we did in the lesson.

Have a good weekend, take care and see you next Monday!


Bridge to MEL 2

(p. 46) Verbs from Book 1 #74-81  Pattern Practice

Review of the past tense (過去形) ending pronunciation of different verbs.

Reading check. => Post the English sentences for the Japanese sentences below.

74 シンディーはいつも授業のあとに質問をします。

75 私はときどきお母さんとケーキを焼きます。

76 ジョージは決して私たちの近所の人たちには吠えません。

77 お父さんはふつう日曜の晩に夕食を作ります。

78 夕食前に宿題を終わらせなさい、いいわね?

79 私の宿題を手伝ってくれませんか。

80 フレッドはジョークを聞くといつも大きな声で笑います。

81 私は時間のあるときには音楽を聞くのが好きです。


Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 17 Unit 1 

(p. 78) Exercise-2

#3 Study the questions. => Find the answer in the text to underline. => Check the answers. => Practice reading the text out loud all together, then in pairs.


Speech Navigator-2 Unit 1

Basic Sample Speech Pattern Practice

Review: Overlapping the speech.

Phrase Station: Learn how to answer the questions and practice the phrases.

Talk about yourself: Study the questions.

Homework: To prepare answers about your own ward/town/city.



Lesson 76 Chunk Reading (aloud)

(p. 71) Review of Today’s Point and CAN-DO Practice.

Practice with the Passive (受け身): e.g. Who was Botchan written by? / Who was Doraemon created by?

ð  Ask students to make a question. => Practice it all together.


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