
Lesson Report MEL-2 May 14 and 15, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Thursday, May 16, 2024. 
It's cloudy today. It was rainy yesterday evening in Mitaka in Tokyo.

今回のレッスンでは his と he's, her と she's の違いを中心に練習しました。

You can do it!

Have a good day!
See you on Saturday!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

基礎英語-1  May Issue(5月号)

(p. 26-) Lesson 23  歴史上の人物

Today’s Scene

In history class, Ms. Saito gives their test sheets back to her students. Mika made many mistakes. Mika goes talk to Ms. Saito after class.


Questions: 会話についての質問と答え

- Is history hard for Mika? – Yes, it is. History is hard for her.

- Does Mika like history? – No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like it.

- Who is Mika’s favorite athlete? – Her favorite athlete is Babe Ruth.


*Babe Ruth. => My favorite athlete is Babe Ruth.


(p. 24) Lesson 24

Today’s Scene: At the school cafeteria, Mika, Takashi, and Grey are having lunch together. Mika and Takashi have questions for Grey.


*Yes. A big one. => Yes, I do. I have a big family.

*Me, too. All sisters. / I have three. 

=> I have a big family. I don’t have any brothers. I have three sisters. 

Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 1 Unit 2  Fred’s parents are from Mexico.

(p. 18) Exercise-3



(p. 19) Grammar and Communication-4 

所有の表し方(Ron’s)代名詞の所有格-2(his, her, its)



(p. 19) Exercise-4

#1 his, he's, her, she's の使い方は意味と質問の内容と形を確認するとわかりますね!


(p. 22) Word Box #7  countries and nationalities <=前回の続き

Practice pronunciation with its dictionary. => Report the scores on Google Classroom.


Lesson Review

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