
Lesson Report MEL-2 May 23, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Thursday, May 23, 2024. 
It's cloudy today. 

Do you want to live in Grey's place?
It's like paradise! Do you think so, too? (天国みたい!とみんなも思いますか?)

Bridge Work では his, her, its の使い方をさらに練習しました。
my と yourの言い換えリピーティングもしました。

Enjoy and try everything!
See you all on Saturday!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

基礎英語-1  May Issue(5月号)

(p. 46-) Lesson 28  ここに住もう

Today’s Scene: 英語版を確認しましょう!

Grey’s spaceship is an apartment. Mika and Takashi look around his apartment.



Does Grey have a lot of baseball cards? – Yes, he does.

Do Mika and Takashi like Grey’s place? – Yes, they do.

*Doesで聞かれたら doesで、Doで聞かれたらdoで答えますね!

隠れているところを探そう!: Baseball cards! => You have a lot of baseball cards.

7,951. => I have 7,951 baseball cards.


(p. 50) Lesson 29

Today’s Scene: It’s time to go home. Mika and Takashi leave Grey’s place. They are in the baseball club storage room.

隠れているところを探そう!: No. => Don’t say it. / Don’t mention it.

Yes, please! => Yes, please take me to the town./Please show me around.


Bridge Work Book 1

Chapter 1 Unit 2  Fred’s parents are from Mexico.


(p. 20) #2-a. I や my を you や your に変えてリピーティングの練習をしました。

#2-b. #2-aの内容についての質問に答えましたね。内容をよく理解しておきましょう!



会話 PreA1


Lesson Review

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