
Lesson Report Junior-2 March 30th

Lesson Report for Monday, March 30th, 2020 (Lesson 17) –
Online Lesson 9
Hello, Class! This is Caroline from MEL School. It’s Monday, March 30th, 2020! We are still having our lessons online, and it was our ninth Online lesson today - although, very sadly, without Miharu sensei!
Please check below to see the Homework and review what we did in today’s lesson, and see you Online again at 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, after 基礎英語!


STT of the conversation in lesson 1 of 基礎英語 2 => for Dictation next time!
Deadline: 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday
Watch the YouTube video about Maine (Link on the MEL School Mitaka page)
(p. 22) Grammar in Use
Make the video and post to MEL School Mitaka page by April 1st.
(p. 23) Recap
(p. 24, 25, 45, 46) Verbs from Book 1 => Memorize all the sentences. Test in April.
(p. 21) Exercise-5
STT by Wednesday 1 pm
(If you have not yet posted this!)

Lesson Review
(7:00-7:15 基礎英語2 at home)

基礎英語2 (3月号)
How did you find 基礎英語?
ð  Post impressions of 基礎英語 on the chat room.
(p. 5) Share the objectives of English learning.
(p. 16-17) Learn about the characters. => Choose your favorite one
=> Write a self-introduction pretending to be one the of characters and post to Edmodo.

 (p. 20-23)
Lesson 1
Talk about the picture.
Read Words & Phrases.
ð  Practice the conversation by ‘Reading and Looking up’.
 (p. 23) Let’s Write! => Post the sentences to Edmodo.

Presentations - Introducing your family

Bridge Work-2
(p. 23) Recap
Read the sentences in turn => Say the sentences all together.

 (p. 24) Verbs from Book 1
#1-7 Practice sentences with the CD.
=> Take Dictation.

Wrap-up time=>Comment on Edmodo


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 30th

Hello class! 
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
You worked hard and did a good job!!
Please check what you learned.
See you online on Thursday at 7:15.
Don't forget to listen to Kiso-eigo!

3/19-Th 1. Rika M. 2. Mihana
3/23-M  3. Yuko 4. Ruki
3/26-Th 5. Kazu 6. Rika I.
(3/30-M  No presentation)
4/2-Th 7. Sena 8. Nako
4/6-M  9. Aoi 10. Kanon
4/9-Th 11. Junya

プレゼンテーションの原稿は、 Extra Task (p.12)『家族についての紹介』 の指示を参照してください。各クラス2人ずつ発表してもらいます。順番を確認しておきましょう。
1. Contents (Organization, examples) わかりやすい流れで具体的な例が示されている /25%
2. Grammar and Vocabulary (Correctness and range) 文法や語彙の正確な使用 /25%
3. Fluency and pronunciation 英語らしい発音と流暢さ /25%
4. Communication (Clearness and expression) はっきりと伝わりやすい話し方 /25%
Total: 100%

Lesson Review 
基礎英語2 (4月号)
Talk about 基礎英語's story. => Post comments in the chat room.

(p. 5) Share the objectives of English learning.

(p. 16-17) Learn about the characters. => Choose the favorite one. => Students write a self-introduction pretending one the of characters and post to Edmodo.
=> Teachers give feedback and students correct them.

(p. 20-23)
Lesson 1 
Talk about the picture. => Pick one student to read Words & Phrases. => Check pronunciation.
Practice the conversation by ‘Read and Look up’. 
HW: STT and spelling. => Next time take dictation.
(p. 23) Let’s Write! => Post the sentences to Edmodo.

Bridge Work-2
(p. 23) Recap
Pick one student to have him/her say the answer. (Correct pronunciation if necessary.) => Say the sentence all together.

(p. 24) Verbs from Book 1
#1-7 Practice sentences with the CD. => Check pronunciation. => Dictation.


1. 基礎英語2 Lesson 1
STTを、Edmodo の"MEL School Mitaka "に投稿してください。[4月1日(水) 午後1時 提出期限] 

2.★Grammar in Use (p.22) 
Ron and George talk about each other のストーリーを、今度は自分がみんなに読み聞かせをする気持ちで、動画に録画し(※以下参照)、Edmodo の"MEL School Mitaka "に投稿してください。[4月1日(木)提出期限] 

4. ★Verbs from Book1(p.24, 25, 45, 46)の練習 

※ 動画作成の参照サイト: 


Lesson Report Junior-3 March 28th

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It snowed in Tokyo!
Did you enjoy seeing the snow falling?

Please check what we did yesterday.
See you online at 7:00 on Wednesday!


<Lesson Review>
Take the roll.
Check the order for the next presentation :
April 8th   Akira, Atsuya, Kota
April 11th  Masamune, Marina, Mirei
April 15th  Mone, Nodoka, Rine
April 18th  Ryota, Shiki, Shunnosuke
April 22nd  Takumi, Yuiko, Yuki

HW: Write about your favorite place to eat out.
Starting on April 8th. Three students present at a time.
Submit the draft on Google Drive by April 1st.
Post the photo one day before the presentation.

基礎英語 3
Feedback: STT from Lessons 161 and 162
Check Teacher’s comments:
ð  Reading check in class

March Issue  Lessons 163 and 164
Compare the Japanese translation to English text to learn the difference and functions of English grammar.

Convert the names for STT.
Lessons 163 and 164  (Homework)   By Tuesday 1 pm
RoboCorpus => Michael
Yukichi => Fred
Asuka / Asuka-chan => Anna

Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 23 Unit 1
(p. 181) Exercise-3 #1-a.
Check the completed sentences. => Write about yourself in the chat room.
(p. 181) Exercise-3 #1-b.
Post about yourself and others post the comments.

Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 23 Unit 1
(p. 182) Grammar and Communication-4  -times
Take dictation.
(p. 182-183) Exercise-4  
#1 => HW
#2-a. Practice how to read the chart. => HW: Answer the questions.

基礎英語 STT: Lessons 163 and 164
Chapter 23 Unit 1
(p. 182-183) Exercise-4  
#1 => HW
#2-a. Practice how to read the chart. => HW: Answer the questions.
(p. 24, 25, 45, 46) Verbs from Book 1 => Memorize all the sentences. Test in April.
Write Teacher a message


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 26th

Hello everyone in J2 class!  
This is Miharu from MEL School.
It’s Thursday, March 26th, 2020.
It was a beautiful sunny day.  


3月30日(月)はレッスンを行います。(MEL Schoolカレンダーではお休みとなっていますが、オンラインレッスンの実施をします) 

なお、30日のレッスン開始時間は、『基礎英語2』放送時間の関係で、19:15スタートです。NHKラジオで『基礎英語2』を聞いてからレッスンに参加してください。ラジオ機器以外に、タブレットやスマートフォンでの視聴も可能です「NHKラジオ らじる★らじる」アプリをご利用ください。https://www.nhk.or.jp/radio/info/app.html

4月のレッスンからは、『基礎英語2』を使用します。テキストの購入をお願いします。付属CDは不要です。https://www2.nhk.or.jp/gogaku/english/basic2/ 初回の放送は、3月30日(月)です。平日毎日決まった時間に聴く習慣を身につけましょう。毎日の15分間の積み重ねはとても大きな力となります。[放送時間:月曜日-金曜日 1.6:15〜 2. 19:00〜 3. 21:15〜(15分間)

☆Bridge Work2の学習では、Chapter13 Unit2のまとめをしました。形容詞と副詞の使い方、文中での役割をストーリーの中で確認できましたか。

3/19-Th 1. Rika M. 2. Mihana
3/23-M  3. Yuko 4. Ruki
3/26-Th 5. Kazu 6. Rika I.
(3/30-M  No presentation)
4/2-Th 7. Sena 8. Nako
4/6-M  9. Aoi 10. Kanon
4/9-Th 11. Junya

プレゼンテーションの原稿は、 Extra Task (p.12)『家族についての紹介』 の指示を参照してください。各クラス2人ずつ発表してもらいます。順番を確認しておきましょう。
1. Contents (Organization, examples) わかりやすい流れで具体的な例が示されている /25%
2. Grammar and Vocabulary (Correctness and range) 文法や語彙の正確な使用 /25%
3. Fluency and pronunciation 英語らしい発音と流暢さ /25%
4. Communication (Clearness and expression) はっきりと伝わりやすい話し方 /25%
Total: 100%

Lesson Review 
1. Show&Tell Presentation By Kazunori, Rika I., Aoi
Listen to the presentation by classmates and give them comments in more than three sentences. 

2. Bridge Work-2
[Chapter13 Unit2]   (p.19-22)
★Homework check Exercise-4
=>Check the feedback and repost
★Exercise-5 [練習の成果を、動画作成し、投稿しましょう]
=>Check and practice the completed text all together. Practice reading out loud with TTS on iTextSpeaker.
★Grammar in Use
=>Check and practice the completed text all together. Practice repeating. 

Bridge Work2:   
1. ★Exercise-5 (p.21) 
STTを、Edmodo の"MEL School Mitaka "に投稿してください。[3月28日(土) 午後1時 提出期限] 投稿先=> https://new.edmodo.com/post/724572293

2.★Grammar in Use (p.22) 
Ron and George talk about each other のストーリーを、今度は自分がみんなに読み聞かせをする気持ちで、動画に録画し(※以下参照)、Edmodo の"MEL School Mitaka "に投稿してください。[4月1日(木)提出期限] 投稿先・参照先=> https://new.edmodo.com/post/724557376

3. Recap/ Key Communication (p.23)

4. ★Verbs from Book1(p.24, 25, 45, 46)の練習 

※ 動画作成の参照サイト: 


Have a nice spring break! 
Thank you and good luck everyone. 


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 26th

Lesson Report for Thursday, March 26th, 2020 (Lesson 16) –
Online Lesson 8
Hello, Class! This is Caroline from MEL School. It’s Thursday, March 26th, 2020! It was our eighth Online lesson today! It was also Miharu sensei’s last day at MEL. It was very sad to say goodbye to her, wasn’t it?!
Please check below to see the Homework and review what we did in today’s lesson, and see you Online again at 7:15 p.m. next Monday!


1.    Make sure you have bought基礎英語2 (4月号), and listen to the first lesson before the Online MEL lesson next Monday!

2. Exercise-5, p.21 STT by Saturday 1 pm

3. Grammar in Use, p.22
Make the video and post to MEL School Mitaka page by April 1st.
Use YouTube.

4. Prepare the Recap Test, p.23

5. (p. 24, 25, 45, 46) Verbs from Book 1 => Memorize all the sentences for Test in April.

Check the STT Homework, Exercise 4, p.19, and repost.

Presentations by five students:
Listen and take notes while listening to the presenter. => Write a comment in at least three sentences on the Edmodo page where the presenter’s picture is posted.

Bridge Work-2
(p. 21) Exercise-5
Check and practice the completed text all together. => Practice reading out loud with TTS
(p. 22) Grammar in Use
Check and practice the completed text all together.

Farewell message from Miharu

Wrap-up time=>Comment on Edmodo

Lesson Report Junior-3 March 25th

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It seems like we can't go out for a while.

Please check what we did today.
See you online at 7:00 on Saturday!


<Lesson Review>
Take the roll.
Check Teacher’s comments and your grades from the last lesson.
Masamune’s presentation => Cooking

Speech Navigator
(p. 22) Advanced Sample Speech
Practice reading the speech. => Study Main Idea 2 => Study Tips for Writing
HW: Write about your favorite place to eat out.
Starting on April 8th. Three students present at a time.
Submit the draft on Google Drive by April 1st.
Post the photo one day before the presentation.

基礎英語 3
Feedback: STT from Lessons 159 and 160
Check Teacher’s comments:
ð  Reading check in class

March Issue  Lessons 161 and 162
Compare the Japanese translation to English text to learn the difference and functions of English grammar.

Convert the names for STT.
Lessons 161 and 162  (Homework)   By Friday 1 pm
RoboCorpus => Michael
Yukichi => Fred
Asuka / Asuka-chan => Anna

Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 23 Unit 1
(p. 179-180) Exercise-2 #1, 2, and 3 => HW Check
(p. 181) Grammar and Communication-3  mind-ing HW check: Dictation

基礎英語 STT: Lessons 161 and 162

Chapter 23 Unit 1
(p. 181) Exercise-3 #1-a, 1-b (Preparation), #2

(p. 182) Grammar and Communication-4  -times
Practice the sentences with CD. => Read and look up

(p. 24, 25, 45, 46) Verbs from Book 1 => Memorize all the sentences. Test in April.

Write Teacher a message


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 23rd

Hello everyone in J2 class!  
This is Miharu from MEL School.
It’s Monday, March 23rd, 2020.
It was sunny today.  

4月のレッスンからは、『基礎英語2』を使用します。付属CDは不要です。平日毎日決まった時間に聴く習慣を身につけましょう。毎日の15分間の積み重ねはとても大きな力となります。[放送時間:月曜日-金曜日 1.6:15〜 2. 19:00〜 3. 21:15〜


3/19-Th 1. Rika M. 2. Mihana
3/23-M  3. Yuko 4. Ruki
3/26-Th 5. Kazu 6. Rika I.
3/30-M  No School
4/2-Th 7. Sena 8. Nako
4/6-M  9. Aoi 10. Kanon
4/9-Th 11. Junya

※プレゼンテーションの原稿は、 Extra Task (p.12)『家族についての紹介』 の指示を参照してください。各クラス2人ずつ発表してもらいます。順番を確認しておきましょう。
1. 内容(Contents):
わかりやすい流れで/具体例を含む(Organization, Examples) 
2. 文法と語彙(Grammar and Vocabulary):
文法の正確さ/発展的な語彙の使用(Correctness and Range)
3. 流暢さ、発音、伝える姿勢(Fluency and pronunciation, Communication):
明確さ、表現の豊かさ(Clearness and Expression)

Lesson Review 
1. Show&Tell Presentation By Yuto, Rei, Yuko, Ruki
Listen to the presentation by classmates and give them comments in more than three sentences. 

2. Bridge Work-2
[Chapter13 Unit2]   (p.15-18)
★Homework check Exercise-3 #1, #2
★Grammar and Communication-4
★Exercise-4 #1
=>Complete the sentences with good pronunciation. 
★Grammar and Communication-5
=>Practice saying

Bridge Work2:   
1. ★Exercise-5 (p.21) 
A dog and a cat のストーリーを読み、適切な形容詞or副詞を選びましょう。ex-2とLet's Try!にも取り組みましょう。
2.★Grammar in Use (p.22) 
Ron and George talk about each other の話を読み、適切な形容詞or副詞を選びましょう。ex-#2-aにも取り組みましょう。
3. Recap/ Key Communication (p.23)
4. ★Verbs from Book1(p.24, 25, 45, 46)の練習 


Have a relaxing spring break! 
See you on Thursday.


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 23rd

Lesson Report for Monday, March 23rd, 2020 (Lesson 15) – Online Lesson7
Hello, Class! This is Caroline from MEL School. It’s Monday, March 23rd, 2020! It was our seventh Online lesson today! We had our second round of Presentations today, too! Please check below to see the Homework and review what we did in today’s lesson. See you Online again on Thursday! Caroline

Exercise-5, p.21
Read the story and choose the correct answers.

Grammar in Use, p.22
Read the story and choose the correct answers.

Prepare for the Recap Test, p. 23
(p. 24, 25, 45, 46) Verbs from Book 1 => Memorize all the sentences for the Test in April.

Presentation by four students
Listen and take notes while listening to the presenters. => Write a comment in at least three sentences on the Edmodo page where the presenter’s picture is posted.

Bridge Work-2
Homework check and Review:
Exercise-3 #1, p.18
Say the answers in turn and all together. => Role-play with Teacher
Exercise-3 #2, p.18
Ask and answer the questions (1) to (6). Take notes. => Write a report and post.
Grammar and Communication-4, p.19
Take dictation.
Exercise 4, p.19
Say the answers in turn and repeat the sentences all together. => STT

Grammar and Communication-5, p.20
Listen to the CD to practice the examples individually.
Practice repeating the sentences.

Wrap-up time=>Comment on Edmodo