
Lesson Report MEL-2 April 27, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Saturday, April 27, 2024. 
It was mostly cloudy and warm today.

Grey is an alien! Wow! 

Enjoy the Golden Week holidays!
See you on Tuesday or Wednesday!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

基礎英語-1  April Issue(4月号)

(p. 76) Lesson 15
Listen and Remember: Shadowing(シャドーイング)

(p. 77) Mr. Honda’s Corner 主語による be動詞の使い分け

*My mother and I は We になるので are が正解でしたね!


(p. 80) Lesson 16  グレイの正体

Today’s Scene

Mika follows Grey. She goes into the baseball club storage room. She finds a strange person in there.



- What is Grey? – He is an alien.

- Does Grey have a spaceship? – Yes, he does.

- Is it a big secret? – Yes, it is.


Role play. Work in pairs. (ロールプレイ・役割練習)


(p. 84) Lesson 17

Today’s Scene: Grey is an alien. Mika and Takashi are surprised. They are a little scared.


Reading practice. 

Role play. Work in groups. (ロールプレイ・役割練習)

Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 1 Unit 2  Fred’s parents are from Mexico.

(p. 15) Grammar and Communication-1  he, she, it, and they + be

Listen and repeat. Check the meaning.

Listen and read. 

Pair repeating. 長い文でもリピーティングができるようにコツコツ頑張りましょう!


Word Box #5 (p. 16) 

#5 形容詞  辞書機能でスコアを確認=>投稿!


Lesson Review(振り返り)

Lesson Report MEL-1 April 26, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Saturday, April 27, 2024.
It's cloudy and warm today.

Are you excited?

See you on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review> レッスンの内容を確認しましょう!

Winpass Unit 7-2 I like painting.

(p. 74) Target





基礎英語-1  April Issue(4月号)

(p. 76) Lesson 15
Listen and Remember: Shadowing

(p. 77) Mr. Honda’s Corner 主語による be動詞の使い分け


(p. 80) Lesson 16  グレイの正体

Today’s Scene

Mika follows Grey. She goes into the baseball club storage room. She finds a strange person in there.



- What is Grey? – He is an alien.

- Does Grey have a spaceship? – Yes, he does.

- Is it a big secret? – Yes, it is.





Lesson Report MEL-4 April 25, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?
It was sunny and beautiful today. 

Next week is the Golden Week holiday!
Yay! Do you have any fun plans? Let's hope the weather will be great.

Have a wonderful weekend.
See you on Monday!

<Lesson Review>

3 min. Talk: Tell me about your favorite place. #4

=> Write about your favorite place. Submit a draft or prepare for the presentation.



Speech Navigator-2

Unit 1 The Place I Live

Video presentation on May 9th.

Chapter 15 Unit 1 It was raining when I got up this morning.

(p. 48) Grammar and Communication -1 examples

Review: Listen and repeat.

(p. 48) Exercise-1

#1-a. Complete the sentences individually. 

基礎英語2 April Issue

(p. 71) Week 3 Day 4

Today’s Story: Horoscopes

Ask your partner their sign of the zodiac and tell them their horoscope.

-       Which sign of the zodiac were you born under?



ELST 準2級単語練習 Unit 1-3



Lesson Review


Lesson Report MEL-2 April 23, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Tuesday, April 23, 2024. 
It was mostly cloudy and warm today.


Bridge Workでは he, she, it, they の使い方を練習しました。

Let's learn more about many things in English!

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

基礎英語1 4月号

(p. 68) Lesson 13  グレイが見つからない

Today’s Scene

It’s lunch break. Grey starts to run suddenly on the baseball field. Mika runs after Grey, but she can’t find him. Then, she finds Takashi. 



- Can Mika find Grey? – No, she can’t. She can’t find Grey.

- Is Grey so strange? – Yes, he is. He is so strange. 

- Why is he strange? – He is strange because he is from another culture.


(p. 72) Lesson 14

Today’s Scene: Takashi finds Grey over there. Grey is going into the baseball club storage room. 


Grey? => Can you see Grey?

Where? = Where is he?

There. => He is there.

Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 1 Unit 2  Fred’s parents are from Mexico.

(p. 15) Grammar and Communication-1  he, she, it, and they + be


he, she, it, they の使い方を学びました。

(p. 16) Exercise-1

#1-a. We are American

My sister => sheのように言い換える練習をペアでしました!


Word Box #4 (p. 14) 

#4 Numbers  辞書機能でスコアを確認=>投稿!


Monthly Review

Lesson Report MEL-3 April 23, 2024

 Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School. 

How are you doing?

It's Saturday, April 23, 2024.



See you next week!

Take care!


2min. Talk: Where do you go shopping? #3
Bridge Work Book 1
Chapter 6 Unit 3  Where is the computer room?
(p. 99) Grammar and Communication -2 
How tallなどを使った疑問文(be動詞)
Listen and repeat with the textbook closed. => Complete the questions and answers individually. => Listen and check. => Practice from Japanese in pairs.
Study the footnotes.
Close the textbooks. => Listen and write numbers.
(p. 100) Complete the questions and answers individually. => Check and read them together. => Practice in pairs.
Speech Navigator Unit 5 My Money
(p. 34) Talk More
Listen and complete the conversation. write all the lines to have role-play. => Role-play in pairs.
基礎英語1 April Issue
(p. 96-) Lesson 20
Look at the pictures of Monday and Tuesday’s.
Note-taking practice.
Share the pictures of their notes on Google Classroom.
Discuss which note looks good and why.

ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」
トレーニング 4級Unit 1 #1-1 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション

Lesson Report MEL-1 April 23, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Sho from MEL School. 

How are you?

It's Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

It's rainy today in Hyogo.

もうすぐゴールデンウィークですね! Are you excited? 

Take care!


Winpass Unit 7-1 I like painting.

(p. 73) Let’s Learn!
#4 日本語の指示を読む => 質問を読んで答える
#5 文章を作る練習 => 書いて答える
#6 英語を聞いて答えを書く
基礎英語-1  April Issue(4月号)
(p. 68) Lesson 13  グレイが見つからない
Today’s Scene
It’s lunch break. Grey starts to run suddenly on the baseball field. Mika runs after Grey, but she can’t find him. Then, she finds Takashi.
First listening
Questions: Ask students about the story.
- Can Mika find Grey? – No, she can’t. She can’t find Grey.
- Is Grey so strange? – Yes, he is. He is so strange.
- Why is he strange? – He is strange because he is from another culture.
(p. 69) リピート練習
(p. 69) 声に出して読む練習
(p. 72) Lesson 14
Today’s Scene: Takashi finds Grey over there. Grey is going into the baseball club storage room.
ノートに写して書く練習⇒Google Classroom
四月の振り返り => Google Classroom

Homework: Workbook (p. 39) 

Lesson Report MEL-4 April 22, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?
It was hazy today. 

We've just started a new school year, and the Golden Week Holiday is already around the corner. Time flies!

Just try and enjoy everything!
Have an awesome week.
See you on Thursday!

<Lesson Review>

3 min. Talk: Tell me about your favorite place. #3



Speech Navigator-2

Unit 1 The Place I Live

Video presentation on May 9th.



Chapter 14 Unit 2  We call fried potatoes “French fries.”

(p. 44) Extra Reading  Danny went to California

Read and check together. (From the second paragraph only)

Post the answers to (3) and (4) on Google Classroom.


Chapter 15 Unit 1 It was raining when I got up this morning.

(p. 48) Grammar and Communication -1 examples

Take dictation.

Study the notes.

基礎英語2 April Issue

(p. 58-) Week 3 Days 1, 2, and 3


Review and share: Write about the two weeks in 6 sentences. Use indirect speech and given words.

Butterflies in one’s stomach, horoscope, queen, originally, best friend, write one’s own songs



ELST 準2級単語練習 Unit 1-2



Monthly Review


Lesson Report MEL-2 April 20, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Saturday, April 20, 2024. 
It was cloudy and warm today.

You can do it!

初のKey Communicationも頑張りましたね。
Keep trying!

Have a good Sunday.
See you on Tuesday or Wednesday!


<Lesson review> 学習した内容を確認しましょう!

基礎英語1 4月号

(p. 60) Lesson 11  グレイは興味深い

Today’s Scene:

Mika is not good at history, but she loves her history teacher. Her name is Ms. Saito. She often talks to her after class.



-       Does Mika like Grey? – Yes, she does. Grey is interesting.

-       Is Grey nice? – Yes, he is. He is nice, but he is a little strange.


(p. 64) Lesson 12 

Today’s Scene: It’s lunch break. Mika finds Grey on the baseball field. He is carrying a big box. It has a lot of mushrooms in it.


Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 1 Unit 1  I am Ron Goodrich.

(p. 14) Key Communication Test



Word Box #1-3 

#3 sports  辞書機能でスコアを確認=>投稿!


Lesson Review

Lesson Report MEL-3 April 19, 2024

 Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you doing?

It's Saturday, April 20th, 2024.

It's mostly cloudy and warm today. 
We're going to have a wet Sunday tomorrow.
What are you going to do at home?

Try and enjoy everything! 
See you next week!


<Lesson Review>

Support time: Help Rinka and Takumi write correct sentences for the Key Communication test (C6 U2). => Make-up test


2min. Talk: Where do you go shopping? #2


Bridge Work Book 1 

Chapter 6 Unit 3  Where is the computer room?



(p. 98) #2 Work in pairs. Practice the conversations.

#3 学校についての対話してレポートライティング => Presentation

The name of his school などの言い方をしっかり覚えましょう!

Speech Navigator Unit 5 My Money

(p. 33) Phrase Station

Listen and repeat.

Presentation: May 10th.


Homework 基礎英語のライティングのFeedbackを確認しておいてください!

基礎英語1 April Issue

Lessons 11- 14

ELST 試験対策 英検「単語練習」

トレーニング 4級Unit 10 #10-4 発音・シャドーイング・意味テスト・選択問題・ディクテーション


Lesson Review

Lesson Report MEL-1 April 20, 2024

Hello, Class! This is Towako from MEL School. 

How are you?
It's Saturday, April 20, 2024.
It's cloudy and warm today.

明日は雨のようですね。Enjoy yourself at home!
See you on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review> レッスンの内容を確認しましょう!

Winpass Unit 7-1 I like painting.

(p. 72) Let’s Learn!


Do you like painting? Yes, I do. I like painting. / No, I don't. I don't like painting.




基礎英語-1  April Issue(4月号)

(p. 56) Lesson 10
Listen and Remember: シャドーイング

(p. 57) Mr. Honda’s Corner 数えられる名詞

a, an, -s のつくときはどんな時か分かりましたか?


(p. 60) Lesson 11  グレイは興味深い

Today’s Scene: 英語で表すと次のようになりますね!

Mika is not good at history, but she loves her history teacher. Her name is Ms. Saito. She often talks to her after class.



-       Does Mika like Grey? – Yes, she does. Grey is interesting.

-       Is Grey nice? – Yes, he is. He is nice, but he is a little strange.


(p. 64) Lesson 12 

Today’s Scene: It’s lunchbreak. Mika finds Grey on the baseball field. He is carrying a big box. It has a lot of mushrooms in it.

