
Lesson Report Primary June 29th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's June 30, 2018.  
Today is the last day of June! 
Typingでは o, a を練習しました。 
I like apples. 1分でいくつtypeできるか勝負をしました。
Good work!
Picture Dictionary Unit 26(1)Pirate Shipの単語をCDで確認し、リピートしました。
KISO EIGO   Lesson 58, 59を学習しました。
CDを聞き、words and phrases をリピートし、ロールプレイングをしました。Do you have ...?  How about ...?の文作りをしました。

<Lesson  Review>
Typing practice. Type letters o, a.  Type sentence* I like apples.
Picture Dictionary Unit 26 (1)Listen to the CD, repeat, sing the chant. 
Write new words in the notebook.
Kiso Eigo June issue  Lesson 58,59.   Do words and phrases  do role-playing   Make sentences
Edmodo   Write teacher a message. 

See you!  
* Please bring your KISO EIGO July issue next week!!  


Lesson Report Phonics June 29th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Saturday, June 30. 
It is a very hot day and the last day of June!

Picture Dictionary Topic 3(3) Colors Under the Seaを学習しました。 
CDを聞いてChantを歌い, Down at the bottom of the sea のサビの部分をたくさん練習したのでとても上手に歌えました!
Phonics Book 1ではP12,13のChantを唄いました。
KISO EIGO  6月号When is your birthday? 
My birthday is ....Q and A をクラスメートとしました。
Lesson 11 What do you have on ...? I have .... Q and A も練習しました。
Monday- Sundayを繰り返し練習しました。

See you!


Lesson Report Junior-3 TF June 29th

Hello, class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, June 29, 2018.
It's sunny and hot today.

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Song of the month: Have it all
Warm up: two min. questions: => What do you want to eat tomorrow?

Speech:VIDEO   Ami => Akari -> Masako => Haruki => Kaoru => Kengo => Marin -> Ayaka (June 29)=> Kosei

Bridge to MEL 3
Chapter 28 Unit 2  page 46
Vocabulary in Use #2 環境問題に関する言葉 (2)
Practice pronunciation of the listed words
ð  Memorize the words in one min. => Quiz in pairs.
ð  Practice reading aloud
ð  Practice with TTS

Chapter 29 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
Listen and repeat. Check the meaning of the example sentences.
ð  Check Homework

Grammar and Communication-3
Listen and repeat. => Practice in pairs.
Practice in class. => Practice in pairs.

Key Communication
Write the sentence individually. => Check and read.

June issue
Lessons 45 and 46 Review: Shadowing
ð  Revise the summary from last time

June issue
Lesson 47 and 48
Lesson 47
Talk about the picture
Listen to the story => Summarize the story => Tell the story to a partner in three sentences
* Today’s Sho’s dad’s day off, so Sho suggests going for a drive. David wants to see something that they can only see at this time of the year. They decided to go to Satoyama Ravine to see fireflies.
Practice-1 : Japanese to English.
Practice-2 : something/anything that …

Lesson 48
Talk about the picture                                                 
Listen to the story => Summarize the story => Tell the story to a partner in three sentences.
* Naoki, Sho and David are now in Satoyama Ravine. David thinks it’s a good idea to preserve that area. David tries to take pictures of fireflies even though it’s hard.
Practice : Reading aloud

Task : Write a summary of Lesson 47.

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 June 28th

Hello, class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, June 29, 2018.
It's sunny and very warm again!

Please check your speech dates!

Speech order:  ✔︎Hana (May 21) => ✔︎Kodai (May 28) => ✔︎Satomi (June 4) => ✔︎Sota A. (June 11) => ✔︎Shoischiro (Jun. 18) => Sota S. (Jun. 21=> 28) => ✔︎Rin (Jun. 25) => Kei (Jul. 2) => Hatyato (Jul. 5) => Hiyu (Jul. 9) => Tamaki (Jul. 12) => Eito (Jul. 16) => Rie (Jul 19)

Reading test: 
Make-up test: Shoichiro, Satomi, Rie, Sota S, Eito=> Passed,  Kei, Sota A, Kodai

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Reading relay Lessons 41 to 44 => Assign the seat
Song of the month: Vacation

Speech:  Sota=> Kei

Lesson 45
Talk about the picture => Write down questions told by teacher.
Listen to the story => Reading aloud
Questions: What’s the weather like today? How many hydrangeas are there around the local temple?
Practice: Reading aloud

Lesson 46
Talk about the picture => Write down questions told by teacher.
Listen to the story => Reading aloud
Questions: Where is David going to take pictures? What does David want to do in the town?
Practice: Reading aloud

Task : Write the answer on Edmodo.

Bridge to MEL 2
Chapter 16 Unit 2
実力テスト解説と復習 (Extra Reading Ron’s First Adventure)
Chapter 17 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  be going to … (p. 75)

Study the example => Repeat => Repeating => Japanese to English

Have a great weekend!
See you on Monday!
