
Lesson Report Junior-2 June 25th

Hello, class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, June 26, 2018.
It's sunny and very warm today!
Are you enjoying the sunshine?

Please check your speech dates!

Speech order:  ✔︎Hana (May 21) => ✔︎Kodai (May 28) => ✔︎Satomi (June 4) => ✔︎Sota A. (June 11) => ✔︎Shoischiro (Jun. 18) => Sota S. (Jun. 21=> 28) => ✔︎Rin (Jun. 25) => Kei (Jul. 2) => Hatyato (Jul. 5) => Hiyu (Jul. 9) => Tamaki (Jul. 12) => Eito (Jul. 16) => Rie (Jul 19)

Reading test: 
Make-up test: Shoichiro, Satomi, Rie, Sota S, Eito=> Passed,  Kei, Sota A, Kodai

<Lesson Review>
Speaking test: 6月のトピック:What do you like doing in your free time?
Lesson 39
Questions: Why does Miki want to learn English? What does Sho want to do in the future?
Opinion: Do you want to study abroad in the future?
音読、イラストに基づいた状況説明 音読 %  Q&A % 意見 %

Speech:  Rin

Recap p. 68 and 72-73. Extra Reading 
Check the answers and practice


Lessons 43 and 44  Practice reading aloud.

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday!


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