
Lesson Report Junior-2 August 28th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Sunday, August 29th.
It's cloudy and humid today.
How are you doing?

Please try your best, everyone!

Be safe and stay healthy!
See you all on Wednesday.


<Lesson Review>

What did you do today?

Write in the chat room.

Song of the month: Imagine


Grammar Starter Unit 4  Is Carlo from Italy?

(p. 18) Exercise-5  Answer the questions all together. => Practice the questions and answers in pairs.

(p. 19) Exercise-6  Complete the sentences all together. => Practice in pairs: Jenny is on the bus with Zoe and Carlo. => Repeat. => Yes, she is on the bus with Zoe and Carlo. 

基礎英語8月号 Workbook 

STEP 12  will-1

(p. 24) 問題を解いてみよう!

Make sentences all together. => Repeating in pairs.

(p. 25) 英文を書いてみよう!

Make sentences all together. => Practice reading. => Type and post.

Write two things using ‘will’ and ‘won’t’.

What do you want to try? => Post

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