
Lesson Report Junior-2 November 20th

 Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Sunday, November 21st.
It is sunny and beautiful today.
How are you doing? 

次回はいよいよVideo Presentation です。
Try your best!!

Have a wonderful new week.
See you all on Wednesday!


<Lesson Review>

Song of the month: Let it be


基礎英語1 11月号

(p. 50-) Lesson 130

Listen and Remember Shadow the stories.

Talk about each story: 

Monday: Akane asks many questions when she meets Nina’s boyfriend.

Tuesday: Joe and Shin are watching Shin’s old movie.

Wednesday: Joe always goes to bed when he is sleepy. 

Thursday: Liam sleeps when Shin is in class. 

=> Say and write in the chat room. 

(p. 53) Friday Special 時を表す表現

Check the phrases together. => Practice repeating in pairs. 

基礎英語1 11月号

(p. 54-) Lesson 131

Talk about the picture: 

What is Shin doing when Akane comes to his house? – He is talking to someone on the phone when she comes.

Listen to the story: Who was Shin talking to on the phone? – He was talking to Haruka. 

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.



Today’s Key Point: Check the examples. 

(p. 58-) Lesson 132

Talk about the picture: 

Who do Akane and Shin find in the gym? – They find Joe in the gym.

Listen to the story: What does Joe always do before he practices? – He always stretches before he practices. 

Repeat the story with the textbook closed.



Bridge Work 1 

Chapter 1 Unit 1

(p. 10) Grammar and Communication-3  Am I …?

Listen and read. => Take dictation. => Practice Japanese to English in pairs.

(p. 10) Exercise-3

Check the example. => Practice together. => Practice in pairs. 

Speech Navigator Unit 2 Our School

(p. 16) Advanced Sample Speech

Listen and practice the speech.

Homework: ELST 

単語学習 #6-2

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