
Lesson Report Junior-3 December 10th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Friday, December 10th.
It was sunny this afternoon!
Were you happy when you saw the sun?

Christmas is coming up!
Stay healthy and enjoy this season.
See you all on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review> 

Song of the month: All I want for Christmas is you



(p. 26-) Lesson 144

Talk about the picture: When they keep talking after ice skating, Emma comes up with an idea.

Listen to the story and take notes to answer the questions: 

What is Emma’s idea about? Why is it called ‘Secret Santa’?  

Repeat the conversation. 

Read and check the meaning. 

(p. 30-) Lesson 145

Shadowing. => Write a summary in 8 to 10 sentences.

 => Post.

Bridge Work 1 

Chapter 7 Unit 1

(p. 102) Grammar and Communication-1  現在進行形

(p. 103) Exercise-1 

#1 Complete the sentences together. => Read and check. => Pair-repeating.

Verbs to learn #8  hit, make, rain, sit

Take dictation. => Practice saying English sentences by listening to Japanese translation in pairs. 

(p. 104) #2-a. Complete the sentences together. 

Make questions about the sentences: 

  1. マリアはいつボールを打ちますか?
  2. マリアは誰とボールを打っているところですか?
  3. (2)の家では 誰が朝食を作りますか?
  4. カリフォルニアでは夏に雨が降りますか?
  5. 今日のカリフォルニアの天気はどうですか?
  6. ジョージはふつうどこに座りますか?
  7. ジョージは今何をしていますか?


5-P2 単語練習 #6-2

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