
Lesson Report Junior-4 March 11th

Hello, everyone! This is Towako from MEL School.

It's Friday, March 11, 2022.
It was sunny and beautiful today.

Did you enjoy your classmates' presentations?
I did! Everyone did an amazing job!

Have a wonderful weekend.
See you all on Tuesday!


<Lesson Review>

Bridge to MEL 2

Chapter 13 Unit 2

(p. 25) Verbs from Book 1 Irregular verbs-2

#36-39  Listen and repeat. => Pair repeating

36. お父さんは昨夜遅くに帰ってきました。


37. 私は先週の日曜日に10キロメートル走りました。


38. 彼女は私の頭を彼女のバッグでたたきました。


39. ダニーは彼のコーヒーカップをテーブルに置きました。


39. ダイアナは彼女のヘッドフォンをつけています。

Chapter 13 Unit 2

(p. 15) #2-b. Study how to answer the questions. => Practice answering individually. => Work in pairs. => Write a report about a partner. 

基礎英語2 February Issue

(p. 86-) Lesson 189

Listen to the story and talk about the picture: The four are talking about Min-jun and Ayane’s fashion design contest and Emma and Brandon’s Valentine’s Day. 

Listen and repeat with the textbook closed. 

Read and check the story. => Overlapping.

(p. 90-) Lesson 190

Shadow each story from the last week. Make notes for a summary. => Write a summary in 5 minutes in 8 sentences. => Review 1 min. => Post 

Speech Navigator Unit 1 The Place I Live


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