
Lesson Report JUnior-3 TF May 15th

Hello, class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
It's sunny and nice today.

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Song of the month: Soak Up The Sun
Warm up: two min. questions: => What did you use to like doing when you were little?

Speech:VIDEO   Ami => Akari -> Masako => Haruki => Kengo => Kaoru => Marin -> Ayaka => Kosei

Bridge to MEL 3
Chapter 27 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2 犯罪に関することば (1)
Practice pronunciation of the listed words
ð  Put an accent mark on each word
ð  Memorize the words in one min. => Quiz in pairs.
ð  Complete the sentences
ð  Practice reading aloud

Next time
ð  Practice with TTS

Chapter 27 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 used to
Listen and repeat the example sentences. 

#1 Review => Practice repeating in pairs.
#2 Check the example. => Complete the sentences individually. => Practice reading aloud in class.
#2-b. Practice in pairs.
#3 Read the conversation in class. => Make sentences orally in class.

Grammar and Communication-2  a, an or the
Listen and repeat the example sentences.
Complete the sentences.

Complete the sentences individually => Check orally in class.

基礎英語3 May issue
Lessons 19 and 20 Review: Shadowing

Lesson 21 and 22
Lesson 21
Talk about the picture
Listen to the story => Summarize the story => Tell the story to a partner in three sentences
*Daved meets Sho and Yoko in front of the ryokan when Sho is leaving. His hairstyle looks better than usual because he spent one hour fixing it up. Sho is carrying a traveling bag and going on one of the most exciting school trips.  
Practice-1 : Reading aloud
Practice-2 : How long do you usually spend fixing your hair up in the morning?

Lesson 22
Talk about the picture
Listen to the story => Summarize the story => Tell the story to a partner in three sentences
*Sho is visiting Tokyo, Chiba, and Yokohama and will come back in three days. David has been to Asakusa and Yokohama. He recommends Sho to visit Yokohama Chinatown but Sho doesn’t have a plan to go there.
Practice : Reading aloud

Task : Write a summary of either Lesson 21 or 22.

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you all on Friday!


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