
Lesson Report Junior-3 June 10th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, June 11th, 2019.
It's sunny this afternoon!

Please review what you learned yesterday.

Speech order:  Hana (Jun. 13) =>  Satomi (Jun. 17) =>  Hayato (Jun. 20)  => Tamaki (Jun. 24) =>  Kosei (Jun. 27) => Rie (Jul. 1) > Sota A. (Jul. 4) =>  Sota S.  (Jul. 8)  => Rin (Jul. 11) =>  Kei (Jul. 15) 
*今回もLive Speechです

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Small talk: How was your weekend?
Speech: Kei

June Issue
Review Lessons 35 and 36  Shadowing
Revise the summary *RoboCorpus is getting rusty because of the rain. => NG
*RoboCorpus’s NG

Lesson 37
Listen to the story => Answer the questions. => Listen again. => Tell the partner the story. => Learn how to retell the story. => Repeating
Questions: Where are they now? Does the girl’s father fix machines? Can Asahi talk to her father? Why not?
Model Retell: They find an automobile repair shop and when they call someone, a girl answers. Her father used to repair machines but he doesn’t do it anymore.

Lesson 38
Listen to the story  => Answer the questions.
Questions: Where did the repairman look at to fix RoboCorpus?
Task: Write a summary and post.  Write a summary of Lessons 37 and 38.

(p.  47) Chapter 28 Unit 2 Grammar in Use  Traveling to Oxford-1
1.    Answer the questions individually. Underline where to find the answer.
2.    Practice reading aloud.
3.    Role-play

(p. 66) Chapter 30 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-2 
Read and repeat. => Pair repeating.

STT: Read the example sentences. (p. 66 G&C-2)

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Thursday!


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