
Lesson Report Junior-3 June 3rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, June 4th, 2019.
It's sunny and warm today.

Please review what you learned yesterday.

Speech order:  Hana (Apr. 15) => Kodai (Apr. 18) => Satomi (Apr. 22) =>  Hayato (May 16)  => Tamaki (May 20) =>  Kosei (May 23) => Rie (May 27) > Sota A. (May 30) =>  Sota S.  (Jun 3)  => Rin (Jun 6) =>  Kei (Jun 10) 
*4月15日(月)からLive Speechです

<Lesson Review>
Greeting  Date, weather
Discuss the class rule.
Small talk: Have you decided on your plan for the summer vacation?
Speech: Sota S.

May Issue
Review Lessons 31 and 32  Shadowing
Revise the summary
基礎英語3-2019 June Issue
Lesson 33
Listen to the story => Answer the questions. => Listen again. => Tell the partner the story. => Learn how to retell the story. => Repeating
Questions: What’s happening in the pond? What’s the girl’s name? What does she say to Asahi?
Model Retell: The center of the pond starts to shine and the water is rising. Everyone sees Hikari standing on top of the water. She says to Asahi she will be with him forever as long as he remembers her.

Lesson 34
Listen to the story  => Answer the questions.
Questions: What is Jukichi going to do?
Task: Write a summary and post.  Write a summary of Lessons 31 and 32.
When everyone is looking at the pond, the center of the pond starts to shine and the water is rising. Hikari is standing on top of the water and says she will be with Asahi as long as he remembers her. Jukichi wants to help RoboCorpus learn more about humans and decides to go with them.

Chapter 28 Unit 1
(p. 40) Grammar in Use  Preparing for the big trip

(p. 64) Grammar and Communication-1  
Repeat and practice. => Pair repeating.
STT: Read the sentences. (p. 64  Grammar and Communication-1)

Today’s review task: Exercise-1 #1 Write about yourself. 

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday.


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