
Lesson Report Junior-2 August 26th

Lesson Report for Monday, August 26th, 2019.
Hello Class! This is Caroline from MEL School.
It’s Monday, August 26th, 2019. It was quite overcast and humid today, wasn’t it?
Please check below to review what we did in today’s lesson.
Looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday! Caroline

<Lesson Review>

Pair Practice: “Are you ready for school?” (1)
We reviewed the homework: 何々のために “~ to (do) ~  
Exercise 1 #4, p.92
We practised the questions and answers altogether and in pairs.
Today’s Focus = Must & Mustn’t
Grammar and Communication 2, p.93
We practised the expressions must and mustn’t, and the example sentences.
We also did this as an STT Task.

Exercise 2 #1 & #2, p.93
We completed and practised the sentences.
Vocabulary Aid & Exercise 2 #3-a (Rules, Problems & Events), p.93
We practised the new expressions.

We practised our speeches for the Speech Contest!.

1.    Complete the sentences in Exercise 2 #1, p.92, in writing.
2.    Complete the sentences in Exercise 2 #2, p.92 in writing.
3.    Exercise 2 #3-a, p.93. Write 3 sentences about a rule, problem, or event. Then, write sentences with must/mustn’t. You will speak these as an STT Task on Thursday!
4. If you haven’t already done so, type out your speeches and send them to Edmodo today.
5. If you haven’t sent the picture for your speech, please send it to Edmodo today.
6. Practise, and try to memorize, your speeches! Think about posture, facial expression, intonation, rhythm, pausing and facial expression. Make notes in your notebooks to remind yourselves!

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